

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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6 Responses

  1. Will H. says:

    I’m still bullsh!tting.
    I have to have this bullsh!t done by Tuesday.

    “Caliban” reminds me of Whipping Star by Frank Herbert.
    The alien in the novel is of last of the Caliban race.
    Well worth reading. Highly recommended.Report

  2. Will Truman says:

    I’m coming close to finishing Season Two of The Killing. Enjoying it greatly!

    I haven’t yet had much opportunity to get back in to Daredevil.

    I hate it when I save something on the Weekend! post for Sunday! and then can’t remember by Sunday! what it was I was going to mention.Report

  3. Tod Kelly says:

    Not much in the way of viewing pleasures this week, but I have started two great books that I highly recommend to people here.

    The first is Midnight Rising by Tony Horowitz. It’s a narrative history of John Brown, his raid on Harper’s Ferry, and it’s political and cultural impact, which (at least Horowitz argues) cumulated in a Civil War that might not have happened when it did without him. It’s an amazing read, especially right now when political extremism seems to be on the rise.

    The second is David Grann’s The Lost City of Z, which is absolutely riveting. It’s essentially three stories wrapped into one: The meat of the story centers on the British explorer Percy Fawcett who disappeared in the Amazon jungles looking for El Dorado in 1925; the second is the rather astounding story of an amateur scientist who tried to find his remains 70 years later; lastly, there is the story of Grann’s going into the Amazon himself to see if he could find out whatever happened to Fawcett’s expedition. It’s a combination of history and journalism, and it’s an absolute page turner.

    One of the interesting things I’ve noted reading both side by side is how very culturally different things were a mere century prior to my birth, in ways that seem positively weird from a 21st century point of view.

    For example, I learned in Midnight Rising that it was somewhat common in this country that if a criminal had transgressed you or your family sufficiently (murdering one of them, for example), after their execution they would cut off a chunk of the copse and send it to you. (Nat Turner, for example, was cut up into many, many pieces, each of which was delivered to different family members killed in his failed uprising.)

    Meanwhile, across the Atlantic in late 19th century Victorian England, if you were a teenage boy and your parents were wealthy enough to be member of the upper class but not so much so as to be considered aristocracy, you were sent to a military academy to be made into the *right* kind of Victorian gentleman. That part didn’t surprise me, obviously — but the methods used by these military academies to mold upstanding gentlemen very much did: flogging, having hot irons held against the boys’ flesh, forcing them to stick their naked arms outside windows in sub-frezzing temperatures for hours, or instructed a boy to put a stool on top of another stool on top of a table, then stand on it until an older boy was chosen to kick it all out from underneath you. All of this, by the way, not being hazing pranks pulled by older boys, but part of the actual intended curriculum.

    I know of course that every generation foolishly looks back at previous ones and thinks how very much more civilized they are than those that came before, but… sheesh.Report

  4. Pyre says:

    I found the free comic day that was at the shop next to the theater where I saw Age of Ultron….distasteful. In this case, it had been turned into a carny-level affair of ripping off people who were going to see AOU with cheap plastic crap and a spinning wheel where, for a third of the ticket price, you had a 1 in 20 chance to win a free movie ticket. While I often discuss “follow the money” arguments, this seemed a little much.

    At any rate, I just got back from the comic store. The ones that I got were:

    Udon’s free comic of Street Fighter. An interesting tale of the circular nature of street fighting. Udon still does really good work with Street Fighter. Now if only they could be a little more regular….

    Injustice Annual 3: A great one. The first story gives us insight into how Raven and Wonder Woman were taken out of play as well as showing us a John Constantine who is the total bastard that Garth Ennis used to write. The second story addresses what happened to the Titans as well as emphasizes the burden that helped crack Superman. Seeing Connor Kent tell Superman that he wasn’t allowed to be a man who, in his grief over the Joker tricking him into killing his wife and child, made the (arguable) mistake of killing the Joker….That brings home the impossible burden that being Superman would entail. Still, out of the two stories, I give John Constantine the LORD PIMP award for this annual.

    Uncanny X-men #32: While I’ve quit the comic, the internet sold me on this one. This comic could easily be a letter from Bendis on “what the hell happened to Cyclops revolution?”. While it isn’t completely consistent, going on camera and calling a revolution as a bluff is a reasonable action. When Cyclops says:

    “We fought for them and they HATE us.

    We fought alongside them and they kill our children in the streets.

    We pack up and move to an island and they DESTROY it.

    We move to another one and the $#%&#$% Avengers storm the #$%& beaches.”

    it is almost like Bendis is channeling Captain America: Truth.

    (Sidenote: Before Steve Rogers handed off the mantle to Falcon because diversity, it would be nice to ask “Hey, Captain Jackbooted Thug. May I speak to the Captain America from the Bush administration who spoke of how you need to stand up for your principles even when the current administration turns everyone against you?)

    To me, this will be the capstone on my brief return to non-whatif/elseworld superhero comics. I’d say that, if Bendis were to keep this up, it wouldn’t be too late for me to change my mind but, with Secret Wars finally pulling the plug on the Ultimates Universe (Two years too late) and rebooting the main Marvel Universe into a more media license friendly version, we all know that isn’t going to happen.Report

  5. Mike Schilling says:

    I picked up In Banks’s Player of Games again after someone here( Katharina?) recommended it. It does pick up after a slow beginning , and it’s quite fun.Report

    • KatherineMW in reply to Mike Schilling says:

      Happy you’re liking it.

      I’m just starting to read Look to Windward, another of Banks’ Culture novels. I don’t entirely like his constructed utopia – hedonism and epicureanism fall short of what I regard as the meaning and purposes of life – but the books and the worldbuilding are still interesting, especially given the current lack of utopia and the abundance of dystopia.Report