
Mike Schilling

Mike has been a software engineer far longer than he would like to admit. He has strong opinions on baseball, software, science fiction, comedy, contract bridge, and European history, any of which he's willing to share with almost no prompting whatsoever.

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4 Responses

  1. The Sanity Inspector says:

    Gorgeous stuff. In fairness to Vivaldi re “blurring together”, people in his day had no way of binge listening to his music.Report

    • Stillwater in reply to The Sanity Inspector says:

      Hey SI! Can I hire you for private consultations? Do you answer public letters? How does this thing work? For example, I’ve been known to binge-listen to my favorite artists, something that can drive everyone around me crazy. Am I insane?Report

  2. Doctor Jay says:

    Vivaldi can sound sort of cliched it’s true. I sometimes have to remind myself, “When he wrote it, it wasn’t a cliche.”Report

  3. Burt Likko says:

    Baroque music gets a bum rap, IMO. Vivaldi was one of its best exponents and there’s a reason we still listen to so much of the Red Priest — it’s really, really good.

    This all-guitar arrangement was a really nice find.Report