How To: Cook A Ramp Slurry
From mid-April to mid-May, the most glorious of the onion family grows on the wet hillsides of West Virginia (and several other, lesser states): ramps. Ramps are a delicacy that aren’t for everyone. Those steering clear include weaklings, children, cowards, the gutless, and other assorted weenies who can’t deal with this wild onion’s particular potency. And they are potent. Stored in a fridge, they’ll leave everything reeking of their stench. And the smell hangs around the consumer long after the onions themselves have been consumed.
Still, they’re magical things and wonderful in all sorts of recipes including cornbreads, meatloaves, chilis, salsas. That said though, I honor the following recipe above all others, as it was my first genuine exposure to the local Spring treat. For those without access, this recipe could presumably be recreated with any strong onion that you’re willing to eat.
My apologies in advance for the photographs. They’re not exactly great.
Prepare fat in your biggest skillet. The photo above is of bacon fat melting; anything used to saute/fry works though. I went with a generous portion because, yknow, health or whatever.
Those are yukon golds, not finely chopped. I generally home fry one potato per consumer, plus one or two extras in case somebody’s hungry. All of us ended up being hungry. Although the photo doesn’t really show it, that’s a 14” skillet I’m using to fry things. It’s the largest of my collection. Unfortunately, I’ve never found a similar skillet in cast iron, my true cooking passion.
Anyway, fry, fry, fry. Get them nice and crispy.
At the same time, start bacon going in another pan. This is an entire pack of the thick cut variety. Nothing fancy is required; you don’t need to visit an a specialty butcher’s shop. Whatever cheap pack is on sale this week at the grocery store is going get the job done. This isn’t about subtlety.
Cook this bacon on relatively high heat until it too is crispy. If you’re very talented, the bacon and potatoes will reach this point simultaneously, sort of like how couples in movies always orgasm at the same time, just like in real life.
These are ramps that have been washed.
These are washed ramped that have been chopped.
These are washed, chopped ramps that have been pushed into a tighter pile. I unfortunately had to lose many of the leaves. They’d started to rot since being dug several days ago (likely last Friday). There’s no reason not to eat the leaves if they’re still looking good though. They all would have gone into the pan if they’d been in better condition.
Remember the bacon? Use a slotted spoon to take it out of its frying pan. Sprinkle it over the potatoes and leave the heat where it is. You can mix it into the potatoes if that makes you happier. You’ll be mixing them later regardless.
Meanwhile, the ramps have gone straight into the bacon’s left behind fat. It should only take a few minutes to cook them down until vague translucence. As soon as they’re getting to that condition, it’s time to combine everything you’ve made so far.
Which looks like this. But we’re not done, because god forbid the caloric content stop where we are. Although I should probably acknowledge that the next part is entirely optional.
Remember when you counted out the number of potatoes to fry per person? Double it for the eggs; in other words, use two eggs for every person that’s eating. Put them in a bowl and scramble them, but don’t thicken with milk. Pour the eggs over the potatoes/bacon/ramps or make a biohazard symbol as a friend that was eating with me did. Worth noting: I’ve seen the eggs cracked directly into the pan and not whipped beforehand. That’s cool too.
Give the eggs thirty seconds maybe, then start slowly stirring, folding them into the rest of the mixture. They’ll start to scramble, although obviously more thinly than they would if there was milk in the mix.
Let the entire mixture sit long enough for the eggs to thoroughly cook, and then allow it to sit longer than that to get a crust on the bottom. That crust is entirely up to you. I probably gave it five additional minutes tonight; things got brown, but not dark brown. On more impatient days, I’ve simply served the entire thing as soon as the eggs appeared to have reach a suitable level of cooked.
Serve with some sort of hot sauce (preferably Frank’s) or ketchup (if you’re a monster). Note that the name of the dish – ramp slurry – isn’t particularly appetizing. You’ll survive.
In the end, you’ve got that, a pile of food served unceremoniously on a cheap Ikea plate. If you’re one of those people who has to think that you’re looking at the most beautiful food in the world before testing it, this ain’t for you. I freely admit that the final product looks like it was ridden hard and put up wet (to slightly abuse a beautiful phrase). If you’ve made it this far though, you’re not in this for the look; you’re in this for the flavor.
And fried potatoes are good. Crispy bacon is good. Scrambled eggs, even thin ones, are good. And ramps? They’re almost heaven.
(Please note: I cross-posted this at a personal website called The City Of Morgantown. Don’t bother visiting; it’s local history and politics that are a snooze for almost everyone, including the people from here.)
You should order some ramp seeds. It takes 5 to 7 years for them to mature and wild stocks are being hit pretty hard. Other than ramps, are an onions native to the Americas?Report
I wasn’t aware they could be seeded; I’ve always heard of families trying to dig them and replant them for future harvests. I’ve never been quite clear on how well that actually works, given that very particular conditions (shadier and wetter as I’ve heard it) promote growth.Report
Shadier and wetter? I’ve got a wet hill in my backyard (cityfolk, ‘member?)… I could use something that would take well to shade…
(Right. need to remove deer first).Report
This was the best list of native allium I could find.
Thanks for the link to ramp seed.Report
Is tofu a good substitute for bacon? Or should I use Panneer (Indian Cottage cheese)?Report
I would think that either of those would make for excellent additions to the recipe, but I have a caveat: you’ve got to get your fat from somewhere. I recognize how unhealthy that last part reads, but if you lose the bacon, you’re losing the fat it produces.
Just something to keep in mind.Report
Cooking oil?Report
Sure. That might work. I tend to get skittish about using a lot of cooking oil in anything; it’s probably my own silly bias against the idea though, not something substantive.
Another option depending upon diet might be butter, just for softening the ramps (or other onions) themselves. The flavor would certainly be richer. And you’d maintain the sheer volume of unhealthiness that I occasionally advocate.Report
Also, I can’t get ramps here. Would shallots or small red onions be an acceptable substitution?Report
Either would be good. Scallions would be another workable solution. You could easily make this with almost any sort of onion you personally like.Report
Leeks, too, using the tender green leaves and white, saving the tough green leaves for the stock pot or put inside a roasting chicken.Report
coconut oil.Report
I’m really glad y’all are having this conversation. I’m going to go with butter or coconut oil and try the leeks if I can’t find ramps.
Also, yum. This sounds like a delicious heart attack, I’m kind of sad that I have to make is vegetarian.Report
not butter. Ghee (clarified butter). Butter likes to smoke if you get it too hot…Report
I will politely disagree. You’re not trying to deep fry the ramps. The butter doesn’t have to be at maximum heat; you’re just trying to soften/flavor the ramps before combining everything but before adding the eggs.Report
How hot are you trying to get the ‘taters?Report
If I wasn’t using bacon fat, I’d stick with olive oil probably.Report
Ghee’s a FAR better substitute for bacon. (as it’s flavorful too). Mind the salt, bacon tends to add a lot.Report
Sam, this is awesome…you need to do more of these, pictures and all!Report
As a previous consumer of ramps I can confirm that the stench does indeed linger a long time after eating…and it not only stanks up the fridge, but the freezer as well. 🙂
When I was married, the wife wouldn’t kiss me for several days after I ate them.Report
Perhaps ramps were the demise of your marriage. Ever thought of that? Food can be so difficult to agree on.Report
Luckily, my husband and I agree on most everything. Even pizza three days in a row…Report
As a long time ramp eater from West Virginia, I must respectfully disagree. If you brush and floss to remove the physical ramp debris from your mouth, the aroma will be gone by dawn.
I always buy twice as many ramps than I need to cook, and plant the overage, assuming it was sold with roots attached. They do well in a shady place, even here in the low-lands of SE WVa. They are spreading via runners already, and will be able to support a batch each spring very soon now.
I must say the ramps shown in the pix are wonderful, often the bulbs are non-existant, more like scallions/green onions than real bulbed root vegtables. They are wonderful, no matter now you cook them.
I always use a high-temp oil to fry potatoes, else they won’t really get crisp, or you’ll smoke the oil badly.
I realize no one will ever see this post as tghe thread is dead, but what the heck, right?Report
I’m happy to have a fellow West Virginian chiming in.Report