Daily Archive: May 31, 2012

The Great Cases, No. 4

This one took me a very long time to write. The subject matter was difficult and complex to research, the opinion dense, and I wanted to do the case justice. I’ve had a lot of...

Amendment Barriers

[Cross-posted from NaPP] Doug Mataconis and Steven Taylor go back and forth on whether the Constitution is too hard to amend. This is an area where my instincts are to agree with Mataconis, but...

Gill Goes As Anticipated

The First Circuit Court of Appeals issued its ruling in the companion cases of Gill v. Office of Personnel Management and Massachusetts v. Department of Health and Human Services this morning. To the surprise of...

Bathroom Bolsheviks

Timothy Sandefur does some fascinating research about a purported McCarthy-era magazine ad. The truth is out there, but it turns out — horrors — to be sort of nuanced.

Wendell Berry’s Passion Play

I don’t hesitate to say that damage or destruction of the land-community is morally wrong, just as [Aldo] Leopold did not hesitate to say so when he was composing his essay, “The Land Ethic,”...

How We Watch TV

From Graeme McMillan at Spinoff: And then there are the shows that I accidentally skip out of synch with and all of a sudden, there’s a terrifying backlog of: Seven episodes of Mad Men?...

An Ambiguous Utopia

I just finished The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin, and despite the fact that I am probably not going to contribute much to the body of criticism surrounding it, I wanted to write...