A Quick Question
Since I’m beginning the hunt for a new laptop: Does anyone have experience with/opinions about non-Word word processors? I view a laptop pretty much as a glorified typewriter, and if I’m going to have...
Since I’m beginning the hunt for a new laptop: Does anyone have experience with/opinions about non-Word word processors? I view a laptop pretty much as a glorified typewriter, and if I’m going to have...
“Pleasure and distress, fear and courage, desire and aversion, where have these affections and experiences their seat?” In other words, are they rooted in the Soul, the Body, or some combination of the two?...
Update: We are now at about 90% of our $1,000 goal at this time. Thank you so much to everyone. This has been our strongest showing ever, which is very cool. Update: We are...
Deficits don’t matter during a recession. We should be running deficits during a recession. We should be running deficits when there is little to no inflation. We should be running deficits when unemployment is...
We’d probably be in all sorts of other messes if McCain had won the presidential election in 2008, but I think in many ways we’d be in a very different pickle than the one...
I knew that Perry would be Romney’s only credible threat, the only real contender in this race. Palin is too vapid for most center-right non-base voters. Bachmann is a congress-critter, not a governor, and...
Intrade suggests the debt ceiling isn’t getting raised until after July 31 — a nailbiter, in other words. But it also thinks we’re likely to get some kind of deal in August. What will...
I have been watching the progress (what little there is) on the debt ceiling, and I have to say I’m feeling a little apprehensive. There is now less than a week before the US...