Daily Archive: November 2, 2010

Dwarves and the First Amendment

Rather than describe the wonder known as Dwarf Fortress myself, I will merely note that it is one of the most nuanced and brilliant instances of human output to have come about in the...

Western Culture Is So Wonderful

A dialogue for Erik. “So, do you think western culture is superior to Islam?” “No, that would be bigoted. I would never think one culture was superior to another.” “Are you familiar with revealed...

Clash of Civilizations

Ta-Nehisi Coates posts the below video, writing: I don’t even know what to say anymore. It’s officially fine to be bigoted toward Muslims. The panel (rather politely) dissented. I guess that’s a good thing....

The Worst Argument against Prop 19

Probably the weakest argument against Prop 19 — aside from those that are actually dishonest — is that its system of taxes and regulations might not turn out to be that great: [T]he law...

Another Undeclared War

Spencer Ackerman’s latest piece for Wired is pretty chilling. Especially this part: White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan didn’t say it on the Sunday chat shows, but there’s a plan gaining momentum within the...

Pro-Obama Libertarians Remember 2008

Ronald Bailey gives us this thought for the day: I voted for Obama to punish Republicans for their terrible policies under Bush. On the surface my vote worked since the Republicans are now at...