Monthly Archive: March 2009


….are in order for Daniel Larison whose graduation was today.  The Ph.D. is finally in the bag.  Now he can bring out the big guns….

word for the day

infandous:  ““Unspeakable, not to be spoken of; nefarious,”  (archaic).  As in:  “[MP George Galloway] is an “infandous street-corner Cromwell.” –Alykhan Velshi, a spokesperson for Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. Re: barring Galloway entry to...

quote of the day

“Talk about misplaced anger. Wall Street built a wooden house, stuffed it with flammable material, set it on fire, and then poured gasoline on the blaze. And now it’s blaming the inferno on the...

Growth vs/equal to Prosperity?

Will Wilkinson reprints the response of John Cochrane to the Brad DeLong-Luigi Zingales debate at the Economist.  [The whole debate is very much worth the read]. Cochrane begins: Nobody is Keynesian now, really. Keynes...

Geithner and AIG

I guess there’s only one guy to blame for the AIG bonuses, so next time Obama revs up the populist righteous indignation he knows who to direct it at…. 

less (legal and moral) light re: abortion

Kyle over at Vogue Republic has a thought-provoking two parter set (Part I and Part II) of reflections responding to Freddie’s post the other day on liberal induction and abortion rights.  Kyle covers a...

us lacking political capacity

Clive Crook writing in The Financial Times: Political capacity is the real key, and here is where I would question the administration’s judgment. The prospects for Mr Obama’s agenda depend on his ability to...

Needs More AIPAC!

In comments downblog, Roque Nuevo is looking for something to back up E.D.’s assertion that “No other foreign policy lobby is as active or as strong as AIPAC.” Whatever one’s feelings about American policy...

turn on, tune in, opt out

Writes Andrew Sullivan: Andrew Biggs highlights an interesting new study on social security finding that 48 percent of American workers would opt out if they had the choice. I sure would. [emphasis added] Okay,...

Dear Abby

Jack Gillis proves that sometimes less is more: Dear Abby: I’ve been in a long-term relationship with Benry. Bank cheated on me back in the 1930s but I put my foot down at the...

induction leading to abortion qualms

This is the product of late-night thinking, and my ideas tend to be even more crack-pot in that context. So fair warning. Those who have read me for some time know that I am...

The Un-American Conservative

Noah Pollock is in rare form in this Commentary Post – utilizing all the tired, typical old strawmen and red herrings against “paleos” and the unabashedly critical conservative voices at the American Conservative magazine...

Clay Shirky responds

Just wanted to turn your attention to Clay Shirky’s response to my post from the comments, which I’ve quoted in its entirely below. “That’s a big part of my anger: people act as though...