Tagged: supreme court

Politics, Empathy and the Kavanaugh Thing

It became readily apparent that the [Kavanaugh] fight was not about his judicial philosophy or whether the allegations of sexual misconduct were true. It rapidly became a war between our two political tribes in which the only thing that mattered was victory and in which each side was living in its own reality.


The Kavanaugh Dog and Pony Show Commenceth

This movie will end like the Gorsuch show did, the outcome having been scripted with the 2016 election results. The Democrats do not have the votes, and barring something very unforeseen there will be a vote on Judge Kavanaugh sometime in the next 30 days or so.

Big Monday, 2015

The Supreme Court adjourns for the Term with decisions about redistricting, air pollution, and executions. Burt Likko summarizes each of them, and offers a sad observation about judicial comity losing one of its most prominent sentinels,

Delivering Due Deference

Chief Justice Roberts was nearly silent during oral argument, and then wrote the 6-3 majority opinion in today’s Obamacare case. Burt Likko replies to Justice Antonin Scalia’s accusations of through-the-looking-glass judicial activism.