Electoral Trends: Into The Biden Era
Which party’s electoral trends will benefit during the Biden era? Honestly, I can see trends on either side continuing or snapping away from either party
Which party’s electoral trends will benefit during the Biden era? Honestly, I can see trends on either side continuing or snapping away from either party
The president is defiant, Congress is impeaching, and the final days of the Trump Presidency are set for a climactic ending. So now what?
President Trump merely told them that “if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” This is Trump’s history.
President Trump has released another video message, and this one is probably as close to a concession speech as we are going to get.
Citing FCC “Section 230” repel & changing of Confederate-named facilities among other reasons, President Trump vetoed the NDAA:
The two-page deal seems more like a list of good intentions, ambiguous promises, and an unspoken hope the hard decision can be delayed.
The problem with the idea of executive orders left untouchable by future executive orders.
How you feel about this current fourth season of the ongoing #1 rated reality show in America “President Trump vs The Media” will color how you feel about such things.
As in all things, maintain your bearing, whether it’s with bombarding news coverage, panic at the big box store, hysteria on your Facebook page, or politicians promising X, Y, and Z because of that scary Chinese Superflu thingy.
A ineffective coward sally forths into the media to make sure you know how bravely they are accomplishing nothing
Is the current political climate too fragile to withstand the release of the violent satire film “The Hunt”? That’s a question best left to American consumers, not the president or his friends in the media.