Tagged: Obama

Vote Your Conscience

I will do my best to be brief. I am voting today. But I am not voting for President Obama. I urge everyone else not to vote for him as well. I will do my...

An Emerging Staten Island Narrative

Staten Island is getting upset. Staten Island is a borough that has an uneasy relationship with the rest of New York City’s boroughs under the best of circumstances. It has felt treated like a...

Nassau County is Not an Obama Love-fest

I have heard it suggested, in our own backyard and countless times on Twitter, that Obama had a homefield advantage because the debate was in New York. Thus, he got softball questions. Please set conspiracy theories...

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

The Real Generation War

…Is the one proposed by Ryan and Romney. Not, as David Brooks’ pop psychology analysis would have us believe, one between folksy emotionalism and new wave wonks. I would normally try not to waste...

Paul Ryan Was Right (I’m Serious)

As much as I’d love to revel in Ryan’s tax-evasion during last night’s Vice Presidential Debate, I have to—oh it hurts!—agree with him. I’ve written in the past about why exactly I loathe Paul...

Very Well, Say ‘Shibboleth’

~by M.A. Fresh off of reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recent op-ed concerning the ever-shrinking GOP tent, I had the occasion to sit around for a while listening to one of the local highly-rated talk radio hosts for...

Sandefur: Voting for Obama

A bit of a surprise, but his reasons are solid. Particularly on dividing the government and on judicial appointments. I’m still undecided, but the leading contenders are Gary Johnson and “don’t vote, it just...