Mini-Thoughput: Ingenuity Flying on Mars Edition
If everything goes well with NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter, we’ve just gotten a huge force multiplier for our exploration of the Solar System.
If everything goes well with NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter, we’ve just gotten a huge force multiplier for our exploration of the Solar System.
What you’re seeing is a stunning feat of engineering and human endeavor. Let’s hope the Perseverance video just a taste of what’s to come.
I will never not be amazed that human beings can do things like Perseverance. The vision, the skill, the audacity — the human race at its best.
So we’re still where we were two weeks ago: Betelgeuse might explode tomorrow. It might explode a hundred thousand years from now. But if it does explode soon, we will get the best look we’ve ever had at how stellar explosions work.
A new treatment for Ebola, if administered early, can cut the fatality rate to 6%, a stunning reduction from the normal rate of 75%. We now have this and a working vaccine.
And if that isn’t the coolest damn thing you read all day…
Scientists need our own version of Rule 34: if it exists, someone is studying it.
Black holes were first theorized in the 18th century. But because they are…you know…black…we couldn’t image them directly. Until now.
The only thing Malthusian predictions have had in common is being completely wrong
One thing that annoys me is people conflating the far side of the moon with the “dark side”. These are not the same thing.
So … ten stellar collisions weren’t enough for you, huh? How about ten, ten colliding black holes! Hahahaha.
Burt Likko fills in for Will Truman for this week’s aggregation of dozens of links to themed web randomness!