Performative Politics is Weak Sauce for Disaster Relief
Whatever else can be said about MAGA Republicans, they do love a good show.
Whatever else can be said about MAGA Republicans, they do love a good show.
These stories can go from neo-Nazi liars to presidential candidate’s mouth in days. The wall between fringe and mainstream has broken.
America Needs Farmers, or more accurately needs a strong agricultural industry, but do they need the regressive politics that come with them?
MAGA will accept Trump’s new position as some sort of 4-D chess master plan. And that’s true of his next position when he flip flops back too.
Civil war is about to break out among Georgia Republicans. An entire slate of MAGA candidates is forming to challenge our incumbent officials
It was all under control, you see, so carefully planned. The Show of Shows on this Day of Days for the Make America Great Again faithful.
Why did Trump do so well in the Rio Grande Valley? To borrow a phrase, Latinos are like everyone else, only more so.
Ravelry didn’t just come out of the blue with their banning of all things Donald Trump. There is a messy ball of yarn to untangle here.
Kelli Ward finally found a state wide office she could get elected to, having been sworn-in as the new GOP Chairwoman for the State of Arizona.
But now we have groups, not new just louder and more visible, that we should not be labelling with the traditional terms at all. If we do, I propose repurposing a very old term for this rising class of political beings: the acolytes.
Jim Acosta and CNN versus Trump and the MAGA crowd is the most entertaining storyline going in news media. Which is exactly how it was designed to be.
It seems like just yesterday that the iconic rocker was being disparaged for daring to run for office and Make America Even Greaterer Again.
It is hard to decouple Obama’s presidency from my personal life, but as he spends his last day in office, I can’t help but wish he stayed longer.