Biden Memorandum on Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons: Read It For Yourself
Read for yourself the Biden Administration’s Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of LGBTI+ Persons Around the World
Read for yourself the Biden Administration’s Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of LGBTI+ Persons Around the World
Burt Likko wonders whether, despite the unmitigated human rights awfulness that is the nascent would-be state forming in northern Iraq, swallowing our idealism and adopting a strategy of economic containment wouldn’t be a more practical alternative to making war against ISIS.
UPDATE: Reaction to President Obama’s address of September 10.
Good graphic design should be simple and communicate in an immediately powerful way. Here’s an example.
James Fallows relays William R. Polk’s assessment of the Syria situation.
New Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled today in favor of a plaintiff who sued for violation of one of that state’s anti-discrimination laws based on a photographer refusing to take pictures at her same-sex commitment ceremony. Burt Likko presents a digest of the decision.
This is the product of late-night thinking, and my ideas tend to be even more crack-pot in that context. So fair warning. Those who have read me for some time know that I am...