Tagged: Guns

What Happened To Michael Brown Is Not Much In Dispute

The conventional wisdom at the moment about the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri two weeks ago is that no one really knows what happened, and that the narratives conflict greatly depending on who you ask.

The conventional wisdom is bull.

The Twilight of Our Candlelight Vigils

School shootings and rampage killings used to be moments of collective shock and horror, leading to long periods of national, cathartic mourning. Now they are either a quick ratings spectacle or a thing that gets mentioned briefly on a slow news day.

What the hell happened to us?

Gun Printing: A Call To Inaction

Once something is published on the Internet, it’s too late to take it back. Ask Anthony Weiner. Pictured to the left is a 3D printer. As predicted here more than half a year ago,...

The Two Extremes of the Gun Debate

An opinion piece from David Horsey at the Los Angeles Times discusses a recent gun death where a 5-year-old Kentucky boy was playing with a rifle he had gotten as a gift and shot...

Gun Savvy

Alec MacGillis takes a subtle shot at a Jonathan Chait post I recently praised, and upon reflection, I think he’s right. While praising former Chief of Staff Bill Daley’s recent jeremiad against the four red state Democrats...

The Little Children Suffer

I didn’t write anything about gun violence during the weeks leading up to what the president called a “shameful day.” I may have not written anything about gun violence ever, period, full stop. Lately,...

Fun Constitutional Facts: Gun Rights Edition

The words “regulate” and “regulated” appear three times in the Constitution’s current text. Here they are: Article I, Section 8: “The Congress shall have Power…To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States,...

Reasonable Rights

by Mad Rocket Scientist Rights. A lot of ink, both physical & digital, has been spilled discussing the nature of Rights.  Are they natural, inherent, divine, granted, or won?  Are they positive or negative? ...

Too late for the gun symposium…

… but perhaps worth noting anyway.  Authorities say two young men got into a fight at a community college in Texas.  Unfortunately, each was carrying a gun.  In their attempt to solve their own...

Excusing the NRA, Remembering Ourselves

Now that the fiscal cliff fight is over, (for a spell) now that the inauguration is almost upon us, we’re finally ready to have the national conversation about guns (maybe, unless fighting over Chuck...

A Well Regulated Militia

Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Guns In America. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far,...