Booper McCarthy and the Great Chicken Truck Rescue
“That is all well and good,” I said. “But how can one discern the wings of a right-wing dominant chicken from a left-wing dominant chicken?”
“That is all well and good,” I said. “But how can one discern the wings of a right-wing dominant chicken from a left-wing dominant chicken?”
This is a retelling of an Irish folktale. The modern Jack-O-Lantern may very well be derived from this tale, though there are other possible origins
A fable by Bryan O’Nolan: “You have lived in a land of wonder. I have had every error, every fault, written indelibly upon my name.”
From the Ordinary Times Contributor Network, Michael Siegel’s Dreams in the Long Dark, part one of a three part short story.
“After that, I was in the joint for like a week before Coke came calling with a Brand Ambassador position.”
Once upon a time, a very long time ago when there were wolves in the forests and the future could be discerned through the observation of the flight of birds and the entrails of beasts
Original Fiction: “Ah, so this particular treasure-this one is different,” the intruder guessed. “This one actually means something to you, doesn’t it?”
The following story is meant to be humorous. Any resemblance to the Vice President or a beloved talking conveyance is purely coincidental.
By this point, I am afraid that the absurdity of all this had become too much to bear.
The following story is humorous. As far as we know Mike Pence could, in fact, use his fingers to count to ten, were it necessary.
The following story humorous: As far as we know Mike Pence can not, in fact, whistle loudly without using his fingers.
The following story is meant to be humorous, and is not intended to represent men of steel or any other alloy for that matter.
The following story is meant to be humorous. As far as we know Mike Pence did not, in fact, foil a Jesuit conspiracy.
The following story is meant to be humorous. The real-life Mike Pence is not, in fact, an expert in 19th Century whaling techniques
The following story is meant to be humorous. The crew of Apollo 11 did not, as far as we know, have a Duty Free catalog in the Command Module.
The following is not intended to represent the real-life Mike Pence. As far as we know has not, in fact, nearly soiled himself in the Maine Wilderness.
The following story is meant to be humorous. As far as we know he has never, in fact, dressed as a woman. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Whenever people wonder whatever happened to that beloved star of yesteryear, Bryan O’Nolan investigates.
The following story is meant to be humorous, and is not intended to represent the real-life Mike Pence. As far as we know his face has never, in fact, turned into a liquid he...
Vice President Michael Pence has musical tastes for which the adjective eclectic is an understatement, and led us down some strange, old town roads.