He Was So Well-Respected
Yet with all that training, we get no instruction about what to do when the accused abuser is a fellow teacher.
Yet with all that training, we get no instruction about what to do when the accused abuser is a fellow teacher.
Our own Michele Kerr made an appearance with Glenn Loury on The Glenn Show, talking about teaching, education, race, and student discipline: This conversation follows a previous one between Loury and Mary Hudson, who...
Elizabeth Warren delivered a student loan proposal which demands attention.
Imagine my surprise when I walked into my classroom, and strung across the chalk board was a banner reading, in big purple letters, “WELCOME TO EM CARPENTER DAY”.
Getting your kid into college by buying a building is a very old joke when it comes to the wealthy and institutions of higher learning. Tax fraud, racketeering, obstruction of justice, and money laundering are not nearly as funny.
Your Ordinary World Education links ft stories on active shooter drills, does homeworks work, hand notetaking, speech, big science, grade inflation & more
Ordinary World: Education from Ordinary Times and Scott J. Davies with links to stories about higher ed, charter schools, community college, elite schools, quality of education and more for you to read, share, & discuss.
Online learning is going to be an ever-growing aspect of education in the future, particularly at the tertiary level. It is imperative that online courses become more effectively designed and accessible in order to maximise the benefits for students.
The level of student debt accrued by students has skyrocketed in recent years. At the same time, the benefits of obtaining a bachelor’s degree and the ensuing debt that goes along with it has been diminishing. The current model of higher education, it would appear, is ripe for disruption.
Enter Lambda School
Your Ordinary World: Education Links from Scott Davies bringing you stories and articles on learning, teaching, education, and schools from Ordinary Times.
Ordinary World: Education with stories and links on learning, education, teaching, tutoring, and much more from Scott Davies and Ordinary Times.
It is a given that at some point during almost any discussion about school reform, a reference to Finland’s education system will arise. However, a closer look at Finland’s education system and reforms raises questions about the popular narrative of its education system.
Your Ordinary World links for 29 Nov 2018 with Scott J Davies bringing us links about education to read, share, and discuss.
Coursera is a great way to learn, but unreliable as a credential for someone’s learning.
Your Ordinary World for 19 Nov 2018 with Education links from Scott J. Davies covering everything from education, learning, school choice, social and emotional learning, higher ed enrollment, and more. Read, share, and discuss.
Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ Friday tradition of bringing you various links from across the web and around the world. This week, Education is the theme, with music interludes and plenty to read, share, and discuss.