Voting for Republicans is Voting for Fascism
It is up to all of us to be honest and clear eyed about what it means to support such a party that doesn’t support democracy
It is up to all of us to be honest and clear eyed about what it means to support such a party that doesn’t support democracy
“You’ll have to carry me out feet-first, you dog-faced pony soldier!’“ the president was reported to have said. No, I made that up.
If the GOP truly value freedom and liberty then multi-cultural liberal democracy is still the best way to achieve it
The debt ceiling fight is about paying bills already incurred, for which federal agencies have the authority granted in federal law to cut checks.
It appears that national Democrats would prefer to focus on anything else other than standing their ground and fighting the culture war.
Damn, Democrats. Shrugging your shoulders about the price of gas and suggesting we all buy electric vehicles isn’t helping
Democrats have now shifted to a confused strategy of focusing on inflation and pushing Joe Manchin on BBB while mostly abandoning the voting rights push
Many Democrats still oppose redistricting for raw political gain. But Democrats also still hate Republicans
If giving Manchin whatever he wants will aid millions of Americans, Democrats should do it. It may be the only alternative to defeat.
Not quite a year into the Biden Presidency, and pundits and commentators are trying to hang unliftable millstones around Joe Biden’s neck
Double standards are a fact of political life. Democrats must learn how to navigate them if they hope to avoid McAuliffe’s fate
Joe Biden became president largely as the anti-Trump, and the Democrats coalition being willing to choose safe and sound over progress
Nina Turner, Shontel Brown, and OH-11 mean everything to the national political narrative. Or nothing at all. Choose your own adventure.
Biden and The Democrats Need A Big F’n Deal To Disrupt The Currents of History. Caution and timidity are not a Big F’n Deal.
Yes, Democrats Have a Problem with Political Correctness, Defund the Police, and Wokeness…But It’s Not the One You Think
While we await the announcement of the GOP’s State of the Union response giver, here is the Democratic response in 1985
Why don’t Democrats win rurally anymore, and how can they start winning again? It’s really simple.
We get from the Democrats a not-so-polite “no,” with a hint of self-righteous anger and condescension, when we dare demand better from them.
It’s Intramurals for Harsh Your Mellow Monday; Team Blue’s AOC v. Joe Manchin, Team Red’s Crenshaw v. Green, Fox News v. MAGA in media, plus much more.
Not two, not four, but six new Supreme Court Justices! How many new justices should Biden and Senate Democrats add to the Court?