Tagged: defense

A Better Way To Do Campaign Finance Reform

~by Dan Miller Elias wrote a great post about campaign finance reform, and I think it raised some important issues.  But I think this discussion–like most discussions of campaign finance–missed a key point.  Many people believe...

Rewriting the conservative narrative

“While I agree that it’s fairly pointless, as a tactical matter, for dissidents to attack the talk radio giants, this comes, I think, out of a deep frustration that people with little more than...

all the president’s spies

John Judis would like to have more discussion about the possibility of ditching the CIA, or at the very least completely restructuring it: The question that Congress might ponder, but won’t, is whether the...

What the Iraq War Is and What it Isn’t

Let’s start with “isn’t” first: ________________________________________ It’s not a war just about spreading democracy. It’s not a war just about oil. It’s not a war just about stopping a brutal dictator who supposedly had...

The Business of Conflict

“When conflict becomes a business, a nation’s business becomes conflict. When mighty industries are built on war, only a fool will expect peace.” –Philip Primeau Philip’s larger point – that a privatized national defense,...

This is good…

…but it seems like a lot of trade-offs rather than any real measure to slash the slush-fund that is our defense budget.