Tagged: commercials
Of Popcorn Poppers and Pelotons
It’s not that I see this Peloton ad as dangerously glamorizing compulsive exercise or obsession with appearance; it’s not that deep.
ASMR: Why Folks Reacted to the Michelob “Whisper” Ad
If you had a reaction to that Michelob Ultra commercial where Zoe Kravitz goes soundlab with tapping, whispers, and drinking, there is a reason for that: it was designed that way.
What Comes Out in the Wash
In which two race-bending ads show us how terrible we really are when it comes to discussing the problem of racism.
Briefly, On Watching Basketball and Advertising
I’ve been watching the NBA playoffs this year. The matchups have been good, but not great, and some of the teams that I’ve wanted to advance – San Antonio, I’m looking at you –...