In Case You Missed It, It Isn’t 2009: Pandemics Then and Now
The biggest difference between the current coronavirus and comparisons to H1N1 in 2009 isn’t who is president, or the media. It’s us.
The biggest difference between the current coronavirus and comparisons to H1N1 in 2009 isn’t who is president, or the media. It’s us.
Former President Obama caught some folks’ attention when a clip of him speaking at The Obama Foundation Summit made the rounds on social media.
If you had told me 10 years ago that one day a member of the WWE Hall of Fame would be president, I would have responded, “Yeah, Jesse Ventura.”
It is hard to decouple Obama’s presidency from my personal life, but as he spends his last day in office, I can’t help but wish he stayed longer.
I’m going to miss having a President who speaks to our ideals rather than our id.
Looking for suggestions in the decidedly unlikely event of lunch with a member of Congress.
Via Shane Harris, on the resignation of defense secretary Chuck Hagel: “Hagel wasn’t brought in to tackle these crises, and some defense sources say he simply wasn’t up to it. The presumption at the...
Thank god for New York’s Peter King. I thought for a bit that Obama was going to get away with Or it.
This week’s move by John Boehner to sue the President for his use of executive order is dishonest, cynical, cowardly, and eye-rolling hypocritical.
But, says Tod Kelly, it’s also necessary.
No, we’re not getting meta. Worse. We’re talking Presidents…
Three questions, all of which have easy, obvious answers. So why are we talking about this?
Forgive me the hiatus in posting. I’ve been parenting (and writing a fair amount). Saw Tod (et al) at Leaguefest and he (et al) encouraged me to share links here to my work elsewhere,...
I plowed through Double Down, which I recommend if you are one of the relative few who belong both to the set of people who like politics and the set of people who are not...
In an otherwise fine speech, the President continues a pandering tic that’s well past its sell-by date.
At Maclean’s, Paul Wells looks at President Obama’s talk about the Keystone pipeline, as well as Prime Minster Harper’s actions, to try to determine just what the hell the PM is up to. Over at Politico...
President Obama is looking to strike another deal, using the corporate tax rate as a bargaining chip, but is this really the way to get economic growth?
Reading the interview, you get the impression of a guy already trying to define the way his presidency is interpreted and his immediate post-presidency is understood.