Wednesday Writs: War on Christmas Edition
Thus, the Court reasons that the public celebration of the Christmas Holiday is a historical observance, not a religious one.
Thus, the Court reasons that the public celebration of the Christmas Holiday is a historical observance, not a religious one.
Facial recognition software is not new, but using it in real-time by police departments has raised some eyebrows. Add to those sentiments that Amazon is behind this latest marriage of big tech and government agencies, and privacy watchdogs are concerned to say the least.
Can the police become a private corporation exempt from open records laws?
Noam Scheiber makes a radical suggestion. Eric Posner has lots of reasons why it’ll never work. Burt Likko says, “There’s a few things neither of you bright fellows have thought of.”
A certain kind of religious activist takes it as a given, and as an imperative, that the Decalogue must be displayed prominently on and in public buildings. Gratefully, these folks are rare; sadly, they have influence...
Via E.D.’s True/slant blog, I agree that Conor Friedersdorf did yeoman’s work on this piece demonstrating the wide difference between what movement conservatives think the ACLU does and what the ACLU actually does. I...
Say what you will about the ACLU, but they’re pretty darn consistent when it comes to opposing unwarranted government surveillance.
(Updates below and continuing as more reactions come in…) You can read the memos here. Sullivan has some initial thoughts up here: I do not believe that any American president has ever orchestrated, constructed...