Vacation Throughput: Video, Plus Don’t Shoot The Nuclear Reactor Edition
So I’m on vacation this week with the family. Thus, a rather abbreviated Throughput for today
So I’m on vacation this week with the family. Thus, a rather abbreviated Throughput for today
It’s been a while since I did one of these so here’s a short video looking at what Interview with The Vampire got wrong about astronomy.
Supernovae are among the most violent events in the universe, caused when a massive star runs out of its core fuel.
Does Omicron waning mean that COVID restrictions were wrong all the time and we damaged our country for nothing?
JWST will glimpse the first stars emerging from the primordial ooze, watch the first galaxies crash into each other and unveil the building blocks of our modern universe.
Rather than an actual, concrete development, most companies treat the metaverse as a buzzword to garner media and investor interest, regardless of how realistic their proposal is.
The planet upon which we tread is a lot calmer than it used to be. But it is still capable of unleashing unimaginable fury upon us.
If you are honest, natural immunity means your chances of catching COVID are 104%, 100% for the first time, an additional 4% for the second
I’m going over the science of Don’t Look Up, and much of what I talk about is also relevant to Deep Impact and Armageddon
For a while there the fastest thing on earth was the opposable thumbs of a Blackberry user jabbing the QWERTY like their life depended on it
We are in a golden age of science. The vast majority of scientists who have ever lived are alive and working today. Here’s hoping they kick 2022’s butt as hard as they kicked 2021’s.
This morning, JWST finally got its moment to shine. The spacecraft had a successful launch and deployment. It is now drawing its own power from the solar panels.
Omicron will go through the population very fast. By the end of February, everyone will either be vaccinated or have had omicron.
In today’s video throughput, I review one of the most influential movies in science fiction: the 1956 classic Forbidden Planet.
One of the point I made in my recent Dune video was that the fervid imaginations of sci-fi visionaries like Herbert seem to only scratch the surface of what’s out there. The more information we get, the wilder the planets get
The TL;DR version on Omicron is: we don’t know yet and anyone making definitive claims should be viewed with suspicion. The long version is…
I take off my critic hat and put on my scientist hat to see how the science of Dune holds up. And…it’s not too bad.
The case for dark matter’s existence has grown stronger with each passing year. But we have yet to detect one single particle.
This week, I talk about the mystery of Astronomy and Fast Radio Bursts
At the end of my 25-year technology career late in 2002, I walked away with copies of a variety of software and data I had produced