The PKK Puzzle
It would be much better to allow SDF elements committed to reconciliation to be the one to disarm the PKK.
It would be much better to allow SDF elements committed to reconciliation to be the one to disarm the PKK.
A digital Trojan horse, but suckering Troy into buying the horse online instead of left outside the gates, and then let the Trojans pick who gets the personalized attack.
Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant have been named along with three leaders of Hamas as targets of arrest warrants by the ICC.
Outnumbered and short of resources, desperation has driven innovation in Ukraine. This includes both advances in tactics as well as technology.
The simple fact is that Iran has never balked at attacked embassies. And far from bombing or invading Iran, we have usually just rolled with the punches.
“Why tear down the Kidnapped posters?”, they ask. The posters are political propaganda and should be treated as such.
The big difference here is they are championing fresh slaughter instead of historic murders.
The atomic bombs dropped on Japan are not only defensible, but actively good. The critics who ignore the historical record and embrace presentist analysis fail to deal in reality.
The most hardcore supporters of Ukraine in the West are too gung-ho about war aims, to the point of being entirely counterproductive.
These are not reproductions; they are working, restored aircraft from World War II. Most have documented combat histories and have flown missions across the world.
Why Moldovans are Afraid of either aggression from Transnistria or Russians under the guise of supporting the rebels, like in Ukraine.
Fixing the current tactical issues Russia faces in the war in Ukraine will require time and money. Both which Russia will soon run out of.
The claims coming out of Bucha are horrific…A city absolutely ravaged by Putin’s illegal war. And it’s not like we haven’t seen this before.
How is this happening? Is seeking happiness appropriate in an age of cataclysmic war? These questions are not all that abstract.
Even before Pearl Harbor, Life Magazine answered the question “What can I do to help the war effort?” with a single word: “Knit.”
Bad faith arguers/actors on the world stage unite each year in using the Dresden narrative as a bloody shirt to wave away any criticism of authoritarian regimes.
As long as this great experiment in a free people self governing is to continue, it is good and proper to reflect on those Americans who carried the load when it mattered the most
The fact that American adherents to those faiths can serve alongside each other, and for each other, is an American military accomplishment worth celebrating.
So Your Favorite Character Is A Nuremburg Defendant: Game of Thrones Season 8 and Command Responsibility
The Doolittle Raiders, as they preferred to be called, had long since planned for there being only one, and then none of them.