Category: In The Web
Morning Ed: Vaping {2016.08.21.Su}
As of today, I have not smoked a cigarette in three years. (I did dream of smoking one last night, though.)
Morning Ed: Society {2016.08.17.W}
Tom Clancy, Hayao Miyazaki, and teams should never call themselves the Hawks.
Linky Friday #179: Armies of Darkness
Clowns, witches, scientists, doctors, preachers, and other things that go bump in the night.
Morning Ed: Society {2016.08.10.W}
There’s stuff going on in the world and some of it has nothing to do with Donald Trump.
Morning Ed: World {2016.08.08.M}
Immigration control in Asia and Australia, and lack thereof in Europe.
Linky Friday #178: Crime, Death, & Urban Living
Crime in the City may be bad for your Health and the local Economy, but it’s also Educational.
Morning Ed: World {2016.08.01.M}
There is stuff going on. Some of it, though not all, involves refugees. One involved Juggalos.
Linky Friday #177: Creatures, Cities, Calories
This Week: Cities, Gender, Health, Money, and Creatures!