What’s In a Name?
What’s more fun than some light trolling? This movement needs a motto, and there’s one just begging to be adopted: Make Beijing Peking Again.
What’s more fun than some light trolling? This movement needs a motto, and there’s one just begging to be adopted: Make Beijing Peking Again.
A visit to the Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West is a perfect encapsulation of the uniquity of the southernmost point in the United States.
Israeli society and culture are just as seemingly contradictory as are its geography and settlement.
So, is ‘national divorce’ a reasonable idea? Perhaps
The Revolution always eats its own. Wokeness, identitarianism, anti-racism, progressivism – whatever label one chooses to affix – has become an integral aspect of modern politics and the academy. Universities, high schools, and extracurricular...
A brief polemic against the most monarchical, overblown, tedious piece of political entertainment in the American system,
In these circumstances, outrage sells even better, and it seems to be a race to the bottom in terms of stoking public anger.
The true history behind the The Woman King-as well as the film’s failure to confront that history-are equal parts disturbing and important.
Late December, especially the 25th day of that final month, has been an important time throughout history, especially in the Western world.
The New Right is looking a hell of a lot like the Old Left – in the worst possible ways.
Thanksgiving is the best example of the confluence between America’s pioneering spirit and our national penchant for thankfulness.
These are not reproductions; they are working, restored aircraft from World War II. Most have documented combat histories and have flown missions across the world.
American politics is replete with apocalyptic and millenarian rhetoric. Thankfully, those who feel this way are dead wrong.
On Donald Trump, Trumpism, the failure of the Jacobites, and the folly of yoking a political movement to a lost cause.
The cultural ties between the US and Scotland, including the love of freedom and liberty which manifests in the political realm, are long-lasting and omnipresent.
“I’m Founding Father Ben Franklin, and I’ve got a friend named James Madison who wants you to make him a flute out of this mysterious crystal skull that he had stolen from some innocent BIPOC in Peru.”
John Paul Jones goes, “Dude, I am going to get all up in the grill of British merchant shipping in the English Channel.” He’s stoked.
Apocryphal stories of Maine prisoners and John Adams aside, the very real fact that lobster was, until relatively recently, a poverty food.
Andrew Yang, as well as the people rightfully criticizing him, should remember this context when they talk about Andrew Johnson.