Saturday Morning Gaming: Fights In Tight Spaces
Imagine if they took the Captain America: Winter Soldier elevator fight scene and made a video game out of it. Yeah. It’s Fights in Tight Spaces.
Imagine if they took the Captain America: Winter Soldier elevator fight scene and made a video game out of it. Yeah. It’s Fights in Tight Spaces.
They don’t make them like they used to. Now they’re on sale! The Steam sale is here, and some old favorites are back for pennies
Remember the maze books at the Scholastic Book Fair when you were a kid? Well, Pierre the Maze Detective is a video game version of the books you remember.
The good news is that Roll for the Galaxy is one of the games that has successfully transitioned from the tabletop to the desktop
Jaybird attempted a stream, of sorts, of the first couple of rooms in the first Gloomhaven dungeon.
If you played Gloomhaven for a half-dozen sessions before the pandemic shut you down and you’ve been thinking about this game non-stop ever since? JEEZ LOUISE PICK THIS GAME UP RIGHT NOW.
Some of Diablo II’s problems involve the fact that it’s a 2021 graphical update of a game made in the year 2000 and some of them are limitations that you see in games in the current year.
There are new free games for you to tinker with as you wait for this interminable lockdown to end.
Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to Diablo II Resurrected. I need to be able to start doing Nightmare Mephisto runs.
The first step is admitting you have a problem. Paradox Interactive went back to a save point, I guess.
Diablo II, for real this time. It’s out, It’s awesome… but the servers are slammed.
Tharsis is a horror-themed game set in outer space that combines everything you love from Darkest Dungeon and Yahtzee. With cannibalism.
If two out of three ain’t bad, wonder how Apple is feeling about the nine out of 10 they won in the Epic Games lawsuit. But that one they lost…
From essentially the minute you start Alien: Isolation to the end, you play the game with lingering tension and anxiety
Imagine a video game where your task is to go through the basement under the antique shop or Warehouse 13 itself. That’s Control.
In which I take Andrew Donaldson to task for advocating the end of a cultural juggernaut whose time has not yet come.
Diablo and its sequel is one of those “formative gaming experiences” for a whole bunch of us. Diablo II: Resurrected is the game you remember playing 21 years ago. And then some.
I’ve heard that “don’t name the rabbit” is the advice given to Air Force Academy cadets going through Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training.
Banners of Ruin is a deckbuilder that got its full release just this week. So here are some first impressions.
Orcs Must Die! fuses great ARPG gameplay with great tower defense gameplay. If you like either, you’ve gotta pick this one up.