Saturday Morning Gaming: Starfield
Jaybird makes his Starfield character: “You have a spaceship and a mission: GET YOUR MACGUFFIN TO THE PEOPLE WHO WANT IT! I’m hooked”
Jaybird makes his Starfield character: “You have a spaceship and a mission: GET YOUR MACGUFFIN TO THE PEOPLE WHO WANT IT! I’m hooked”
Spoiler-free, I purchased Baldur’s Gate III and… well… here’s my experience with Character Creation.
I’ve been replaying Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War and I am, once again, taken with the Nemesis System they have.
The general theme of the game is that you are a chieftain of a Stone Age tribe and your job is to make sure that your tribe gets the most points. Peacefully, I may add.
We are officially out of beta with Diablo IV. I played a Necromancer. He played a Sorceress. His wife played a Druid. We beat Act II.
Playing cards are simple enough to facilitate extended conversation during play, and are not siloed into exclusionary subcultures.
I’ve recently started Horizon: Forbidden West and, well, there’s an indirect threat. You have to save the world from that now.”
In which I just admit that sometime between the Atari 2600 and PlayStation 2 or 3 gaming has passed me by, and that’s o
It took Elden Ring to teach me “Yeah, you can walk away. Come back later.”And having done that, I’ve found that Horizon: Zero Dawn is a really good game!
Now that I’ve beaten it, I have thoughts. These thoughts include spoilers.
KFC had this promotion where if you bought a double-down, you got a free ticket to play Diablo IV. I want to shake the hand of the guy who came up with this brilliant cross-promotion.
Hogwarts Legacy is amazing. It’s like running around a museum. One of the great European Museums before they put everything behind glass.
“Read another book!” has evolved into “Play another game!” This seems to indicate that Hogwarts Legacy will have legs.
I’m maybe 20% into the game but I find myself absolutely delighted with it so far. It’s the perfect game to play if you are in a post-Elden Ring funk.
I have finally experienced The Last Of Us Part II.
It did some stuff right and some stuff wrong. (WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS)
Having beaten Elden Ring, what might be the best game I’ve played in years, I have thoughts about it. Like… how did it pull that off?
Warhammer’s 40,000 saga is coming to a small screen near you via Henry Cavill, late of Superman and the Witcher, together with Amazon Prime
No time like the present to fill in some of the holes in your collection. It is time to talk about the Steam Autumn Sale
Going from playing Elden Ring to God of War is jarring. Warning: This will contain some light spoilers for God of War: Ragnarok’s first chapter.