May’s Embarrassment of Riches – A Books & Reading Open Thread
For the past few months I have been bitching to friends and family that I can’t find anything good to read. So I am really looking forward to the next four weeks. May 2012...
For the past few months I have been bitching to friends and family that I can’t find anything good to read. So I am really looking forward to the next four weeks. May 2012...
Reading an old “office war story” by Wardsmith over the weekend, it struck me that most of the libertarian leaning people I know in my fleshbot life work as engineers, programmers, or in some...
My first job in a real sales capacity was in the employ of a behemoth Fortune 500 company. Of all the companies with whom I have ever had a professional association of any kind,...
UPDATE: My bad! I misread the reader. We’re just about to go over 3.9 million; we won’t hit 4 million for another couple of weeks. I’d say suggest some sort of Kismet about hitting...
In the glamorous world of superheroes, all of the media attention is always focused on the famous, flamboyant super-villains. But what about the regular, everyday, Joe-Shmoe working-stiffs that make the wheels of those Evil Empires go ’round? Who takes the time to tell their story?
The weekends coming up fast, and if you’re like us then today or tomorrow you’ll be shopping for things to eat over beer, wine and cocktails. So if you haven’t already got your grocery...
One of the big topics raging through the Blogoshere this week stems from the “thinly veiled social Darwinism” meme that the left is currently test-ballooning. Jennifer Rubin, Robert Wright, the NYT, Beck’s Blaze, Red...
So maybe I’m not the ideal League member to wish everyone a most Happy Easter, self-professed heathen that I am. But Happy Easter, everyone! We never went to church on Easter when I was...
OK, I know that for supporters of the Right here that it’s a sign of either my intellectual dishonesty or my being an intellectual lightweight that I can hear even echoes of racism in...
On January 6, NPR’s This American Life aired an hour long and fairly damning segment on the working conditions of the Chinese manufacturing workers that build Apple products. To say the show got some...
(A staple in my house since my single years, a puttanesca is a cheap, low-class pasta dish that clears out little bits of other stuff from the fridge you are trying to get rid...
Here’s a question for the group: Have you ever stood strongly for something – almost militantly so – that you now stand equally strongly against? Let me explain. In a conversation over at Blinded...
Color me utterly uninterested that Rick Santorum uttered a naughty word or barked at a New York Times reporter. But since it appears we have to be forced to micro-focus on such non-events during elections...
… sometimes in the next week or two, James K reads this book and writes a post on it.
Being a white male of means, I’m never entirely comfortable getting on a soapbox and talking about racism. You never know what is really in another person’s heart, and it’s difficult to unpack what...
One of the inevitable election-year pundit cliches that always makes me cringe is this response to any accurate criticism of either party’s lack of promised execution: “Yeah, but it would be so much worse...
While it is true that I stole both Brave New World and Flowers for Algernon from the public library, it should be noted for the record that I did eventually return them. Plus, it...
Big, big, big hat tip to Erik who sent me an email today about the continuing breaking news surrounding the South Carolina teacher suspension for reading Scott Orson Card’s Enders Game that I discussed...
There are few things on television today that are as beloved by we denizens of the Rose City as IFC’s Portlandia. While I believe that quite a few people in other parts of the...
Over at Not a Potted Plant, Will has been commenting one of the newer internet political memes: Carbonite. Carbonite is a publicly traded stock company that asked it’s advertising agency to pull ads from...