German Circumcision Ruling
My Twitter friends won’t shut up about it: A German court has ruled that circumcising young boys on religious grounds amounts to bodily harm even if parents consent to the procedure… The case involved...
My Twitter friends won’t shut up about it: A German court has ruled that circumcising young boys on religious grounds amounts to bodily harm even if parents consent to the procedure… The case involved...
Theory and Practice: I have a great deal of respect for Randy Barnett, though ultimately I don’t share his vision of a polycentric government. I agree with Conor that polycentricity works well for some...
It would obviously be impolitic for me to comment at length on this. I’ll just say that I am happy the dispute is over. Those of you who wrote off the Cato Institute in...
Matt Yglesias writes: I’d love to reclaim the word “privatization” for a scenario in which the government actually privatizes something. City governments, for example, often find themselves owning vacant properties whose owners haven’t paid...
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on inequality. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, click...
At Leaguefest someone asked me for my lard pastry crust recipe. I don’t remember who it was. I don’t even remember the person’s gender. I spent half of Leaguefest with a martini in my...
Because… well, just because. And: And: If I’d smoked pot as an undergrad I’d have a better excuse, I suppose. I’d always play the last one, just for fun, for people who weren’t Pink...
I know my dialogues can be oblique, even enigmatic. This last one had a point, however, even if it was a bit subtle. I’ll state it more openly here.
Dramatis personae: Blaise PASCAL, no relation to present company. VOLTAIRE Louis PASTEUR A GRANDMA, who lived to a ripe old age. A HIPSTER, who died before her time. Setting: On the Islands of the...
The contents of my Amazon cart are below the fold. Let’s pick one book, take a month, and discuss when we’re done.
It’s an act of calculated, petty hostility to refer to the left-of-center party in the U.S. as the “Democrat Party.” So why is it okay to call the right-of-center party “The Party of Stupid...
Timothy Sandefur does some fascinating research about a purported McCarthy-era magazine ad. The truth is out there, but it turns out — horrors — to be sort of nuanced.
There are so many points here where an unkind person could laugh: Mack Wolford, a flamboyant Pentecostal pastor from West Virginia whose serpent-handling talents were profiled last November in The Washington Post Magazine, hoped...
Boegiboe and I are headed to Las Vegas a little early — as in, today. While we’re there, we’ll be seeing the total eclipse of the sun. And all the fun things Vegas more...
A long, long post about my views on natural rights theory, much of it recycled from my defunct blogs. Prompted by some of Tod’s questions below.
From the best album of pop music I expect to see in my lifetime, the Flaming Lips’ Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Been on my mind for all kinds of personal reasons, maybe obvious....
This morning I saw a pretty young woman wearing a T-shirt from Brooklyn Brewery. Involuntarily, I recalled the last time I’d had some of their beer. It was pretty good, I remembered. I should...
A bit of a surprise, but his reasons are solid. Particularly on dividing the government and on judicial appointments. I’m still undecided, but the leading contenders are Gary Johnson and “don’t vote, it just...