Say No To Puritarian America
Keep government limited to the things it does well (if any) and I’ll worry about my own boobs.
Keep government limited to the things it does well (if any) and I’ll worry about my own boobs.
Prepping doesn’t mean you’re crazy or weird, it’s actually a great way to save money over the course of time, and it doesn’t even have to take up lots of space.
Symposium: Not only was the impossible possible, I could excel at something I had once truly believed I was incapable of.
I understand that COVID19 is scary. I’m not thrilled about it either. But I don’t trust these guys and gals saying “I’m from the government, I’m here to help you”.
You could be Mad Online Forever and fail to effect any change whatsoever. But don’t call me a bad libertarian for choosing to live in the real world
Board Game Symposium: Why don’t I play games with these gorgeous beasts I gave birth to? Am I just a bad mother? I think the answer is probably yes…
Looking for the beginning of my Jane Austen-Bram Stoker mashup? Part 1 Part 2 After having spent a fitful night asleep at his desk tormented by dreams which ranged from blackest nightmare to flights...
You tell me you didn’t have a feminist icon until Wonder Woman, Millennials? I give you Scarlett O’Hara. Try her, you may like her.
“Sisters are prone to jealousy, Mr. Blackabee. Some cannot bear to know that one of them wants something that they cannot all have.”
Gone Girl, unlike many other wildly popular books that are terrible but got turned into movies anyway, is actually a good book.
Here you go, a vampire story in the style of Jane Austen, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Despite the seemingly dry subject matter, it’s super hot. Pride and Prejudice sizzles inasmuch as something first published in 1813 is allowed to sizzle.
Listening to a song by Jim Steinman is an exercise in musical gluttony. Here are twenty of them.
Since Valentine’s Day is looming on the horizon yet again, I decided to reread several of my fave romance novels just like I did last year. But this time, I’m reading literary books rather...
Harley Quinn stayed with the Joker because she did the math and she decided she was better off with him than without him. That’s the reason why women stay with everyday bad guys who aren’t Jokers.
Fifty Shades of Grey was a terrible & dangerous book that normalized toxic attitudes about sex. Kushiel’s Dart was an interesting book on a similar topic that I liked.
Heads up, dudes, YOU’RE the ones that can’t control yourselves, some of you. Why don’t you let me decide what I like and want for myself?
How much more satisfying might a romance be if you could see yourself there, not just a faceless, shapeless, personality-less blob like Bella Swan?
This time I’m actually reading GOOD romances instead of trashy ones.It’s a lot of work, and do you know why I’m doing this? It’s because romance MATTERS.
I began to wonder, could that ancient diagnosis of hysteria really just be anemia mixed with a distrust of women’s sexuality?