Game of Thrones: Bad Romance
Game of Thrones has lots of coitus and very little of what leads into it, except when it’s rapey, in which case we see it in exacting detail
Game of Thrones has lots of coitus and very little of what leads into it, except when it’s rapey, in which case we see it in exacting detail
Let’s drop the “Daenerys Targaryen is SUCH a Mary Sue because too many men desired her.” That is misogyny wrapped up in an Internet meme.
I decided to look at the concept of fictional redemption arcs in Game of Thrones. In the GoT TV show, there are three main redemptive arcs.
I agree, book Arya is not a Mary Sue (yet). But Game Of Thrones Show Arya? That is not such an easy call for me to make.
Quit ignoring The Scope Problem or we’ll end up with more Game of Thrones that start off amazing and end with a disappointed “meh”.
George RR Martin kills off his characters right. Those deaths mattered. The TV version of Game of Thrones? Not so much…
There were several fascinating arcs of both plot and character the writers of Game of Thrones sacrificed at the altar of The Rule of Cool.
Game of Thrones IS the quintessential program for 2020. No toilet paper at all. Only the burning rage of a million irritated a-holes
In the case of the coronavirus, the government was buying businesses’ compliance with a quarantine, in order to save lives.
Superman, Gary Cooper, Straw Man Fallacy, and Hollywood’s 50-some-odd years of embracing the anti-hero to a ridiculous extreme.
Stop normalizing pathological snobbery, such as “everyone who voted Trump is an inbred, lardlicking oaf ripped from Hillbilly Elegy”
Disclaimer – I am a terrible person who likes to live life on the edge by doing things millions of people did all the time in the past.
I went to plan the family get-together, and I found much to my chagrin that the Klinkes were out of business. Like, out of business entirely.
Imposing a monoculture on a diverse ecosystem? That’s the way the Empire thinks.
The various non-food items that are necessary to have on hand not only in case of emergency, but also just for day to day living
We cannot and should not, ever allow “history is repeating itself” to mess with our heads. History cannot repeat itself in the strictest sense of the word.
The Victory Garden program created some interesting side effects, making gardening and canning hobbies many Americans continue to pursue
I gave the benefit of the doubt to Gore, Kerry, and Gregoire with far less reason to believe people were out to get them than Trump has.
Donald Trump is no fascist. He’s a convenient bad guy, the mustachioed villain tailor made for everyone to boo…But Hitler he ain’t.
Sacha Baron Cohen is the rich person’s Logan Paul, and just as repellant, just as much of an abscess putrefying in the belly of free speech.