Heathered Pearls, Autolux and DyE
Heathered Pearls – “Warm Air Estate”
Absolutely haunting video to match the music – the visuals are from the 1983 short Konflict. I’ve listened to Body Complex quite a bit this year (thanks @dhex for its recommendation!)
Autolux – “Soft Scene”
Autolux is one of those bands I enjoy pretty well while they are on, then immediately forget about until someone mentions them again. I think the name doesn’t help. It’s kind of generic, and not in that blank conceptual way (say, “Objekt” or “New Order”) that feels vaguely sinister, but in a way that makes it sound like commercially-branded product. It sounds like a household appliance, or its special cleaning mode. I have a similar problem with Solvent.
Where was I again?
Oh yeah, that song and its video are pretty good. Autolux have a new full-length on the way.
DyE – “Hole in Ocean”
I’ve featured some DyE videos before – the AMAZING but very NSFW “Fantasy” and “She’s Bad”.
This one is SFW, and uses footage from the Dali/Disney collaboration Destino. I wonder if the Aeon Flux people ever saw storyboards or something, of if the influence runs the other way, since Destino was completed in 2003.
What are you all listening to?
Post Header Image Credits
(From Wikimedia Commons):
CC BY-SA 3.0
Uploaded by Moehre1992
Created: 24 November 2010
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“Absolutely haunting video to match the music”
What you did there… I saw it.Report
Apparently my pun sickness is so bad I do it without even realizing.Report
kiasmos album from 2014 or whatevs is always a winner. they have a new ep that is ace as well. hard to go wrong with arnalds.
also burzum because it’s winter.Report
Not familiar with Kiasmos/Arnalds, checking some stuff out on YT right now and seems nice. Thanks again for that Heathered Pearls rec, I’ve listened to that a ton this year.Report
Welp, that Kiasmos is going on my X-mas list. Very nice.
variations of static and for now i am winter by arnulds are totes awesomeotes.
Someone listed their self-titled album as one of their favorites from last year right here on these very pages. 😉Report
In my defense, I AM an idiot.Report
I wouldn’t actually expect anyone to remember. Mostly just psyched that I knew a dhex artist.
Also, “Looped” is the track that roped me in. You can find a 2 1/2 hour continuous version of it on YouTube.Report
2 1/2 hrs?! Sounds like it was…repeated.Report
“I wouldn’t actually expect anyone to remember. Mostly just psyched that I knew a dhex artist.”
i think we have a lot of overlap.Report
I’m listening to this now, a 1/2 hour into it.
If my comments turn into incomprehensible babbling and wingdings, send someone to break down the door and rip the headphones off my head.Report
The subliminal messages don’t start until the 1 hour mark.Report
2 hours in (I had to pause it to run an errand).
I think I can see sounds now.Report
Nac uoy dnatsrednu tahw M’i gniyas?Report
When paired with your gravatar, that would be a profoundly uncool thing to pull on someone who was in…a state.Report
For once I actually found time and adequate computer to listen to these! And I’m glad I did.
Right this minute I am going to go and listen to All Apologies because of that one almost-quote line in the DyE song. Not that one really needs to link to it, but I will anyway:
Otherwise I am in the time of year where I mostly listen to holiday music. So tonight (and often) that’s the Sibleys:
(if anyone wants to change those to embeds, feel free. I’m not sure why they didn’t embed and too lazy to fix them.)
ETA: Thank you speedy fixer!Report
There’s another post-“All Apologies” song that also uses a similar lyric, but I can’t remember what it is and now it’s going to bug me all day. All I’m coming up with is “Another Brick In The Wall Part 2”, and that’s not it, obviously.
In what I’m sure was a common thing everywhere, one of the dance clubs we used to go to, closed the night out with that song the night after Cobain’s death hit the news. It was hard to shake the feeling that he’d written his own exit music, but I suppose if Ian Curtis had lived, then “Atmosphere” would be just a really pretty song.
In other “Kurt may have died, but the ’90’s never will” news, the Pavement fans in Deerhunter have opted to continue Pavement’s old feud with Smashing Pumpkins.
Man, that actually seemed like a pretty nice apology, whether Cox was genuinely-abashed at potentially getting caught out, uh, EMBELLISHING the truth, or whether he just knows he can’t afford to tangle with Corgan-funded lawyers.
Until Deerhunter chose to do this the day after the apology (yes, that’s “Today”, “Losing My Edge”, and “I Wanna Be Yr Dog” all rolled up together):
The complete stream-of-consciousness “lyrics” are at the YouTube link, but a sample:
I take Cox’s point about YouTube and clickbait controversy, but if his apology was in fact sincere, it would perhaps have been best to not throw Corgan’s name into the mix again and dare people to upload the performance. Because, well…Report
Nice dreamy stuff.Report
That Heathered Pearls album is super-soothing.Report
I dismissed this record when it first came out last year, but lately it’s been in heavy rotation. And, We Are Scientists has one of the best, and funniest, websites you’ll ever visit. Here’s a sample from their latest. (If you can stand a little gross out humor, check out their video for Dumb Luck. It’s a rocking tune, but the video should come with a trigger warning.)