Tanking the Economy Won’t Help the GOP

Philip H

Philip H is an oceanographer who makes his way in the world trying to use more autonomy to sample and thus understand the world's ocean. He's a proud federal scientist, husband, father, woodworker and modelrailroader. The son of a historian and public-school teacher and the nephew and grandson of preachers, he believes one of his greatest marks on the world will be the words he leaves behind. To that end he writes here at OT and blogs very occasionally at District of Columbia Dispatches. Philip's views are definitely his own, and in no way reflect the official or unofficial position of any agency he works for now or has worked for in his career. If you disagree, take it up with him, not Congress.

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8 Responses

  1. John Puccio says:

    It’s hard for me to be worried about the GOP threatening the economy when the Fed is actively tanking it as I type.Report

    • Philip H in reply to John Puccio says:

      They sure seem to be trying, and yet unemployment remains historically low, wages are growing, and inflation appears to be backing off.Report

      • John Puccio in reply to Philip H says:

        Keep raising the prime interest rate and see what eventually happens.

        The Fed incompetently blew their inflation call and now seem hell bent on overcorrecting. These people should not be entrusted with so much power. But I digress,..

        To your article, I don’t recall one of these debt ceiling mexican standoffs ever tanking the economy. They temporally tank the markets, but as you know, the markets are not the economy.Report

        • InMD in reply to John Puccio says:

          I don’t claim to know what would happen in a default but I think the situation with the fed is the natural result of a situation where the other major lever of controlling inflation, i.e. tax increases, are off the table everywhere and anywhere for… reasons.Report

        • North in reply to John Puccio says:

          Well, obviously so far the mexican standoffs have, historically, mostly ended in one side or the other knuckling under before the hostage was shot. In most cases the right knuckled under though Obama, in what is likely his absolutely worst decision as President ever, ended up giving them the sequester in exchange for a debt ceiling hike* and that turbo charged the problem.

          *Via a series of miscalculations and gross political misreading of his opposition coupled, possibly, with drinking the kool-aid of his own campaign rhetoric.Report

  2. Chip Daniels says:

    This is what I meant about how the “MSNBC Republicans” are now in the Democratic party, at least here in California.

    My wife manages a small business and was just invited to one of those business networking events, where Mayor Karen Bass is the featured speaker. The event stresses how this is a chance for business leaders to hobnob and get face time with Bass and other city officials.

    Meanwhile, the California Republicans in the inland red areas are frothing at the mouth and rolling on the floor ranting about secession and drag queens.

    It isn’t just that they lack power- they do, in plenty of cities and counties in California. Its more that they just have no effing clue how to make the buses run on time or the electricity flowing or the basic machinery of government and business operate.

    If you’re a business owner, what point is there in getting a meeting with Margerie Taylor Greene or Louie Gohmert? What are you going to do, try to talk to them about import tariffs while their eyes roll back in their head and they babble about Satan worshipping pedophiles?Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    Maybe we could get some people to argue that the economy isn’t tanking.

    Question the definitions of “recession” and whatnot.

    “Two consecutive quarters of negative growth? Where in the hell did you hear that?”Report