Heather Wilhelm: In Defense Of Dumpster Fires
But this just scratches the surface. Let’s go further: Dumpster fires are also vastly entertaining and unappreciated. A spokesman for Republican Sen. Ben Sasse recently pointed this out when responding to questions about the Republican National Convention, which opens its giant maw of almost-certain disaster next week, much like the Cave of Wonders in Disney’s “Aladdin.” Here is the quote: “Sen. Sasse will not be attending the convention and will instead take his kids to watch some dumpster fires across the state, all of which enjoy more popularity than the current front-runners.”
Finally, someone is giving dumpster fires the credit they deserve. This is spectacular. It is on-point. It is hopefully inspiring the Founding Fathers to happily nod in their graves.
Finally, many things are worse than a dumpster fire. When I used to live in New York City, I recall walking down Avenue A or B or some such letter, a neighborhood that was shady at the time but is now likely home to 26 Topshops, a Lululemon or two, and some random store that sells acai smoothies for $84 a pop. Anyway, back in Ye Olde Shady Days, I remember hearing a suspicious squeaking from a smallish dumpster off the street.