Polish-Chrome Cyborg America’s Freudian Ego-Ideal
I once sort of dated a girl named Dharla. I say “sort of” because we were never officially a couple. We sort of danced around it and one another for a while. Our last great chance ended when she announced, out of nowhere, that she was moving to Deseret. She’d asked me if I was interested in going with her and I held my laughter. Deseret? Are you kidding? Within a year I met Clancy, and Clancy was headed to Deseret, and I was headed there with her. I reached out to Dharla, who was going to be an hour away from where we were moving, to ask her about how she liked it and all of that.
I got a 16-paragraph email about Mormons. To say that she didn’t like them would be an understatement. She introduced me to theories about Mormons, Freemasons, and conspiracies. I didn’t understand it all, but I did understand that she really, really didn’t like Mormons. Which was weird because she was such a tolerant type. I knew Mormons and the Mormons I knew were all okay people!
A year after moving there, when people would ask how I liked Deseret, I would write 14-paragraph emails about Mormons. Basically everything Dharla said, except for the Freemasons part. People would be taken aback. They knew Mormons and the Mormons they knew were all okay people!
Unless you’ve lived there for an extended period of time, it’s really a difficult thing to describe. If you’re a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, you’ve likely not experienced anything like it. Being from the South, we’ve dealt with being surrounded by religious folks. Conservative religious folks, even. We’ve been on the outside looking in on mainstream society. Both of us have lived in places where whites were a minority. We’d dealt with a lot of things, but we’d never dealt with anything like Mormons in Deseret.
The thing about being a gentile in Deseret is not that you’re in a minority but that you don’t even have to be a minority. Their culture is so comparatively orderly and organized, they can dominate even from a position of plurality. Their cultural solidarity is so strong that it can leave Born Again Christians and avowed atheists sitting at the outside table with their own solidarity of simply not being among the Brethren. Their cultural strength is such that you can find yourself in a conversation where they are discussing how great it would be if they could start a company and hire only Mormons, and you don’t say anything because participants include your boss and your boss’s boss and you don’t really want to make a fuss. You see a galling sense of entitlement among their men who quite evidently expect the path before them to be cleared by others.
We endured it. My wife endured being called by her first name in front of patients. We endured nearly being disinvited from a Thanksgiving dinner when the family of the invitees threatened to boycott our presence. We endured watching superior women live in deference to their inferior husbands and the inferior men around them. We endured living in only one of two parallel societies, more-or-less excluded from socializing with half of our neighbors. We endured the general acceptance of some people being superior to us by virtue of their affiliation.
There was, it should be clear, a lot not to like. There was a lot to be bitter about, both for myself and for my wife. And bitter we became. It took years before I stopped being bitter. In 2012 a part of me wanted to vote against Jon Huntsman solely because his last name was Huntsman (a Mormon name with baggage). I still talk about Mormons and Deseret in ways that make people flinch (because they know Mormons and the Mormons they know are okay people!).
But it is something that I have moved past. The funny thing is that the further away from them I get, the more of an appreciation I have for all of the things I didn’t have the energy to acknowledge at the time, or couldn’t acknowledge because they were so directly tied to things I hated about them. But animosity has given way to begrudging respect has given way to respect. Though I cannot and do not want to be a part of it, it’s hard not to admire a lot about their values, their sense of family, and their sense of community (even if closed). Their work ethic truly is amazing. They take care of their own. They are, despite the church’s ignoble history, collectively among the least racist white-dominant culture I have ever seen. I even find things to admire in their social model, even while there are other parts I cannot reconcile with.
From a distance, there is a lot to appreciate. And boy, do I appreciate the Mormons right now.
Yes Trump, I’m sure Mitt Romney is a Mormon pic.twitter.com/VCBE2x1zcv
— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) March 19, 2016
I will watch the returns in Utah with interest, just as I did Idaho. I’m hoping that Mesa may be enough to keep Trump from winning Arizona, though that is likely a futile hope. But watching the results of Idaho filled me with pride for having associated with those people I hated at the time. I always tell people that Franklin County, where Napoleon Dynamite takes place, is actually a backwood s***hole, but they’re a Mormon s***hole and Trump couldn’t crack 20%. Pocatello may be the armpit of Eastern Idaho, but Trump got third! Idaho Falls may be radioactive, but it’s Mormon radioactive and once again Trump landed in third!
It’s not all bubblegum and roses, and Ted Cruz is no peach, but I’ll take it. Mormons were partial to Rubio in part because of his history with the church. But even with Rubio out they disproportionately prize order, and Trump is an Agent of Chaos. I’m tired of chaos, and so I welcome their order.
@michaelbd Yes. The Mormons are our Freudian ego-ideal, the polished-chrome cyborg America, we’ve been holding in store for this moment.
— Matt Feeney (@Feenmatt) March 13, 2016
That’s interesting. I’ve never met a Polish Mormon.Report
Also, the Mormons I know use Firefox.Report
When I visited Salt Lake City on my cross country drive, there was a Pakistani Mormon giving tours of their museum. There was also a picture of Mary where she looked more like a tall blonde mountain woman from Appalachia than a Jewish townswoman of antiquity.Report
When I visited Salt Lake City on my cross country drive, there was a Pakistani Mormon giving tours of their museum. There was also a picture of Mary where she looked more like a tall blonde mountain woman from Appalachia than a Jewish townswoman of antiquity.Report
Heh. I allow myself the luxury of one religious prejudice, and I use it on Mormonism. It definitely is a collective thing. If there is one Mormon family on your block, they will be the best neighbors you have. If every family on the block but yours is Mormon, you and your family will be pariahs. This has always been true. Read between the lines at Mormonism’s pre-Utah history. They would move into town, initially be welcomed, and proceed to take over the place until the locals organized to boot them out. Lather, rinse, repeat.Report
Some of the nicest people I’ve known have been Mormons, and I had a huge crush on one in college, but even without having lived in a place with a whole lot of Mormons, I have found a lot to dislike about them as a group even if I like most Mormons I’ve known as individuals.
But I suppose I’d say this about most religions, really, if I thought about them for a bit. The reason I notice Mormons is because they really stand out against the mostly WASP (with the occasional Catholic or Jew or Muslim) backdrop.
Then again, the other religions didn’t rent an apartment in my old apartment complex for their missionaries, and therefore their missionaries didn’t accost me on a near daily basis.Report
Mormons are generally nice and friendly people but I’ve met some teenage Mormons that were just as surly as other teenagers.Report
Hate the sin, love the sinner, right?Report
How do you feel about Jewish insularity? We call each other members of the tribe after all? Arguably Jews are more insular than Mormons in many ways. Mormons actively try to convert people. Jews generally do not.Report
That is a very different question than the one that might be asked about inbreeding.Report
Jewish insularity is kind of different than Mormon insularity. Besides the Ultra-Orthodox Jews do not form cooperative institutions, besides hospitals, the way Mormons do and act in concert in politics, business, or elsewhere. Jewish insularity is mainly demonstrated by living in a few concentrated areas. Jewish communities in the past where more tightly close-knit though.Report
I’ve never lived in a Jewish equivalent of Deseret, though I imagine if you put me into a community of Orthodox Jews (even less extreme than Kiryas Joel) my feelings would not necessarily be all that different. Hard to say. The broader Jewish community, though, includes a lot of people who aren’t especially active and running a range. Mormonism has Jack Mormons, but it’s still a lot more binary.
If I were to describe the things that turned me right, one of which would actually be a conservative Jewish website. Being 19 or so and raised in the shadow of MLK and multiculturalism, I was taken aback by some of the clannish aspects of Judaism. Specifically as it pertained to intermarriage and conversion. Seemed so… wrong. But I’ve come to understand and respect it even though I doubt, as a gentile, I would want to live in the thick of it.Report
I haven’t had much contact with the ultra-Orthodox communities, so I couldn’t say. I have had ample contact with more assimilated Jews, including many who are observant. I get along just fine with them. My boss, FWIW, is observant Conservative. Also FWIW, I am very fond of Americanized Ashkenazi culture. Yes, this is an indirect way of saying I like knishes. What can I say? I am shallow. I also have some Klezmer in my rotation. Then there was the time I arrived early for a friend’s wedding, and was mistaken for the rabbi.
There also is the fact that few people can distinguish between a Pennsylvania Dutch and a Jewish surname. I have never run across a Jew named “Hershberger,” while it is a fairly common surname in some parts of Pennsylvania Dutch country. “Hersh” and “Berger” are both common Jewish surnames, so the confusion is natural. The result is that many people, both Jew and Gentile, assume I too am one of the tribe. It would be unethical to take too much advantage of this, but for a casual social interaction I just let it slide. Please pass the kugel.Report
I’m using my religious prejudice on the idiots who decided to worship a friend of mine.
(he got sick of it, and exploded the religion rather quickly…)Report
“You’re all individuals!”Report
Mormons and not scientologists? SMDH
By my observation, the tipping point with Mormons tend to come when they live in sufficient number for form their own parallel society and especially when there are enough of them to take over the civic institutions.
The latter doesn’t require a majority. A lot of people are waiting, with their fingers crossed, for Utah to cease to be majority LDS. But it won’t help a whole lot. Mormons tend to be very active and organized, so they can run things from a minority footing. Or, if not run things, be very influential. That’s why you get people in Boise talking like they live in a heavily Mormon place when it’s really something like 1-in-5. (Which is a high number! But people who live in a place that’s quarter-Catholic don’t speak like they live in a Catholic place.)Report
Scientoligists are rare enough that they fall into the “curiosity” category. Were a friend or family member to get sucked in, then this would be different. But on the “weird stuff Tom Cruise does” level, it is just background noise.Report
Rather deadly sort of “curiosity” that.
At least the mormons know to keep their assassins leashed up.Report
But Catholic also isn’t a single tribe the way Mormon is. It’s a collection of several disparate tribes.Report
That was intended to be a big part of my point. Due to their unity (organization), Mormons punch above their weight class (population percentage) in ways more disparate groups don’t.Report
Sort of. Catholic is a secondary tribe for a lot of people whose primary tribe is Italian, Irish, or another strongly-expressed European identity. But when it’s the primary tribe, it can be something of a uniting factor.Report
Saturday I got two incredibly polite Jehovah’s Witnesses.
“Hi! We have this pamphlet for you, if you’re interested.”
“Well, no, not really.”
“OK. Well, have a nice day.”Report
That’s been mostly my experience when it’s come to street encounters. I still don’t do well at talking to them when they come to my door, perhaps because I don’t want to be rude and so I keep talking. Fortunately, the doorbell to my apartment doesn’t work, so I don’t have that problem anymore.Report
A bit of a quibble: The “polished chrome” phrase, and the quality of Mormon apartness of the Feeney tweet, sound more robotic or android (robot with human qualities/appearance) to me than cyborg – which is a cybernetic/human hybrid. There are 2 main schools of thought on what constitutes a cyborg. One focusses on hardware hybridization (Darth Vader, biohackers), the other focusses on the social construction of the hybridization, Haraway’s “world changing fiction” (people highly involved with their smart phones, at this point, just about everybody alive.)Report
Substitute “Mormon” for some version of left/liberal/progressive and you’ll be in my world. Funny thing is, having a local community ignore me? Heaven. I’d rather be left alone and I have no interest/reason to socialize with those who I don’t already. Now, cut off my booze supply and “them’s fighin’ words”.Report
Most of my experience with Mormons has been with ex-Mormons but there was an LDS Church in my old Brooklyn neighborhood (where they were arguably always a minority. IDK when the church was founded but for most of the 20th century it was home to Italian and Irish working-class Catholics. Now it is gentrified and still nor Mormon.) They would sometimes be out in the summer in their black pants and white shirts trying to raise converts among people wearing skimpy dresses and tight jeans.
IIRC Utah stated it would go Democratic if Trump as the nominee. Utah hasn’t gone Democratic in 50 years.Report
They did elect a Democratic governor when Reagan won in 1980. But yeah, it’s Republican through-and-through. Which was, interestingly enough, not the design of the Church. They’d consciously set out to split between the parties so that they’d have influence no matter who was in charge. Utah Territory had a Mormon party and an anti-Mormon Party. The Mormon party always won, but they lived with the fear that it wouldn’t.
Their designs were thwarted, however, by the nature of national politics.
A minor clarification…
Those almost certainly weren’t the local Mormons. Missionaries rarely get sent near where they live.Report
Mormons began voting strictly Republican in block around the time Eisenhower was elected. The Country Club Republicanism of Ike and other moderates was more to their style than the liberalism of the Democratic Party or the politics of the Southern Democrats.Report
Ike had a Mormon Secretary of Agriculture, which might or night not be related.Report
Mormons are a subset of Yankee culture. Yankees don’t like Jacksonian types. Trump is a Jacksonian type. More broadly speaking though, Trump is least popular among Republicans in states West of the Mississippi.Report
Ah the Mormons. I’ve never been around Mormon majority culture but I can keenly imagine. The thing about Mormons is they mostly hew to what they preach and that makes them awfully scary because the non-religious obedient are rather accustomed to being able to look at the glaring hypocrisies of the old social order and dismiss them.Report
My gay uncle had a minor obsession with Mormons. Than again he also liked to collect homophobic propaganda as a hobby and laugh at it.Report
Dismissing hypocrites is not a good idea. They can still hit you hard even if they indulge themselves in what they denounce.Report
It may not be a good idea but it’s easy and has been effective for quite some time. It does, however, leave you vulnerable to the true believers.Report
By hit you hard, I meant with their fists. They also go for more metaphorical punishment.Report
I had some mormons work on me during high school/college.
I very, very much felt the siren’s call of being a member of the ingroup.
An Elder showed me a card of his that explained that he was baptized by this guy, who was baptized by that guy, who was baptized by this other guy, who was baptized by a guy who was baptized by Joseph Smith. Himself.
They make you profess a belief in God, though.Report
Well heck so do the Masons.Report
The Mormons didn’t kill JFK, though.Report
This is a good point. You can see all sorts of hypocrisy among typical evangelical culture. They drink, commit adultery, do drugs, solicit sex workers, gamble, etc.
Not so much with the Mormons. The only Mormons I know who drink are ex-Mormons.Report
A dissenting view:
Rob Ford was Mormon?Report
I worked in Salt Lake City for a few months, years ago, back when I was single. The main things I recall are that there were no women to spend time with, because
1. They wouldn’t consider dating a non-Mormon, and
2. They all got married as teenagers anyway.
Also, there was almost nothing to do, because all social life revolved around church and family, both of which left me out. Basically, I went out drinking [*] most nights with the other out-of-towners I worked with.
On the good side, SLC had an amazing public library, including, among other things, pretty much the collected works of Phillip K. Dick, including the non-SF books that were published posthumously. Also pretty much the collected works of Henri Pirenne, from which I learned not only a new perspective on the early Middle Ages, but that Edward Said was full of shit (He either never read or totally misunderstood Mohammed and Charlemagne).
* 3.2 beer.Report
I wonder if they stock LE Modesitt, who often writes about….well, Space Mormans. (Parafaith War comes to mind…)
I think he’s from Utah, maybe even SLC.Report
Like pretty much everyone else on this thread, I’m going to neglect the second part of the OP and talk about the first part.
I have a friend, too, who is one of the most tolerant, open people you can meet, and who is especially accepting of people from pretty much all faiths. A couple years ago, he moved to SLC, but works in a small town that is heavily Mormon. While he likes SLC, his reaction to Mormons in that small town is similar to your and your friend’s.
You might not be surprised to learn that I was/have been kind of judgmental about his attitude. I might have been toward you if I had not gotten to know you so well online over the years. And never having lived in a heavily Mormon community, I do have to say that I just don’t understand the reaction and I will continue to withhold judgment.
Still, I come away with two points. One: If people I respect develop that attitude, then there must be some justification. Two: I have developed similar attitudes about certain groups of people who don’t even come close to deserving it–either as individuals or as a group–so it’s not me to judge anyway. (I do sometimes judge, but I don’t believe I’m right to do so.)Report