Aubrey McClendon, The Gambler
A CEO crashing his car is an accident. A CEO crashing his car and dying a day after being indicted for criminal charges is not.
A CEO crashing his car is an accident. A CEO crashing his car and dying a day after being indicted for criminal charges is not.
In the outgoing dogmatic GOP, Trump’s equivocations would have earned him a place in the all-time rogues gallery of Enemies of the Jewish People, somewhere between Obama and Father Coughlin. Today, Evangelicals shrug them...
One of the most seductive myths in modern politics is that politics itself may one day end—that left will finally triumph over right, or right will defeat left, or moderates from both factions will...
A grownup finally steps in. Bear in mind, this is an argument aimed at Republicans.
Full text and video.
The tragedy of the 2016 campaign is that Trump has mobilized a constituency with legitimate grievances on a fool’s errand.
Over the past year and a half, in response to bad press brought about by torrents of abuse often associated with Gamergate and the alt-right counterculture, Twitter has stepped up its effort to fight...
Readers likely recall Huntsman as being the “too liberal” GOP candidate back in 2012. So, on the one hand, I have to wonder how much his past association with the Obama administration (he was...