A Raising of the Glass & The Changing of the Guard

Tod Kelly

Tod is a writer from the Pacific Northwest. He is also serves as Executive Producer and host of both the 7 Deadly Sins Show at Portland's historic Mission Theatre and 7DS: Pants On Fire! at the White Eagle Hotel & Saloon. He is  a regular inactive for Marie Claire International and the Daily Beast, and is currently writing a book on the sudden rise of exorcisms in the United States. Follow him on Twitter.

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39 Responses

  1. Maribou says:

    Let me be the first (at least on this post) to thank YOU, @rtod, for all you’ve contributed behind the scenes over the years.

    I figure if websites had a genius loci, you’d be it for us. Words don’t cover it.


  2. Michael Drew says:

    Since you’re not going, I won’t say I’m sorry to see you go, but I’ll just say that to look at the site before you staged your coup and after is to look at a professional-level opinion outlet that was made out of an after-work labor of love for a group of young non-professional writers.

    I didn’t know there was an OT podcast in the works; that’s fantastic. It’s something that’s crossed my mind before (making it more regular; I know we’ve had one or two on a very experimental basis). I’d love to be involved, but I don’t know that I’d have anything to contribute that would really help get the thing moving or work smoothly. But if there is something, please let me know.Report

  3. Zac says:

    End of an era, man, end of an era.

    Also, I’m super-excited to hear about an OT podcast. I will be putting it in my rotation the moment it goes live.Report

  4. Damon says:

    Good luck Tod.

    Balvenie double wood, 18 year old 🙂Report

  5. Chris says:

    Thank you for all you’ve done for the place, Tod.

    Now that Burt is in charge, I’ll have to mail all my complaint to him, I suppose. I’ll start now.

    Dear Mr. Likko, I would like to alert you to the following errors, issues, problems, and insufficiencies with your “site.” In order to make it easier for you to follow along, I have numbered each from one to six hundred eighty three.

    1. “Todd” has two D’s in it. Has anyone ever inquired as to what happened to his other one?

    2. I believe the font used in headlines is .25 too small. Please embiggen it.

    3. Why are there not more posts on prepping? The end is nigh.


    683. Related to the problems discussed in numbers 421, 470, and 522, as well as in the third part of the table in Appendix R, andv detailed further in the supplemental material in the attached PDF, even after taking into account the solutions proposed in numbers 587 and 626, there remain too many commenters whose last names begin with letters between A and N for a proper balance to be achieved.Report

  6. Jaybird says:

    Thank you, Rtod.

    This place has always felt like it was custom-made for me. You’ve done a great job making it bigger, better, and keeping it shiny.

    I can’t thank you enough!Report

  7. Joe Sal says:

    Best regards in the road ahead, enjoy your works.Report

  8. aaron david says:

    As always Tod, it has been a pleasure. Best of luck with the writing and all that jazz, I know pulling myself out of the idea of writing and into the actual of writing is hard enough, but to pull your self as far as you have takes real effort and determination. Which you have shown in spades. So thank you for those qualities, they have inspired me.Report

  9. Stillwater says:

    Our Todder, who art in Oregon, bellowed be thy name!!

    Man, it’s tough when this whole cycle of life thing hits the OT. Beginnings, endings, new beginnings… Thanks for all you’ve done here, the behind the scenes editorial work as well as all the great writing. I don’t think you’ll need the benefit of luck to succeed in your new endeavors, your talent will get you there. But I’ll say it anyway, cuz it never hurts. Good luck!!Report

  10. North says:

    All hail the Tod! I guess we’re in Burt’s hands now. I shall rest in the hope that his gleaming golden countenance is grinning in a friendly way and not in a manic or malevolent manner.Report

  11. Kolohe says:

    Thank you Tod.Report

  12. Patrick says:

    “I basically ended up in charge because no one ever bothered to stop me.”

    Are you kidding?

    We had a behind-the-scenes meeting, and everyone agreed that we would allow you to believe that you were volunteering to be chained to the controls for four years.

    What’s funny is that Burt called that meeting and now he’s managed to get himself entangled in the lead spot on the hauling line all on his own.Report

  13. Vikram Bath says:

    Thanks, Tod. We’re all looking forward to the podcast!

    Congratulations, Burt! May you be as merciless as your predecessor.Report

  14. Anne says:

    OMT! (Oh my Tod) I nominate this for a new catch phrase here at OT

    Thank you @RTod for all you have done for us. We love you too. I have not had the privilege of meeting any of the Ordinary gentlepeople in person but you all have become such a big part of my daily life that I count you all as friends.

    I too welcome our new Overlord LikkoReport

  15. Miss Mary says:

    Welcome, Burt! I’m so glad most other editors are staying on as well.

    I miss you already, Tod. I’m super excited for the podcast.Report

  16. Will H. says:

    Well done.
    Very well done.Report

  17. Alan Scott says:

    thank you, Tod. Your presence has been a blessing to this blog, and I look forward to the Ordinary Times podcast. And a hearty congratulations to Burt–I know OT will continue to be great under your editorship.

    My own stash of Bulleit is at a friend’s house, otherwise I’d pour myself a glass right now. But I’ll be sure to raise that glass to you this weekend.Report

  18. Chip Daniels says:

    Your writing and gentlemanly demeanor here has been appreciated, Tod.

    I hope you find time to maintain a presence.Report

  19. Fortytwo says:

    As a lurker, I have to say that this is my favorite website. This is the only place I can come to enjoy interesting and well reasoned arguments on politics and culture. When I forward posts too friends, I always ask them to read the comments, which are usually terrible on most sites.
    Thanks to Tod and everyone else who works to make this place a model of sanity in an insane world.
    Thanks to Burt for taking over the job. I read and enjoy everything you write. It is a thankless job, but you and yours are on the side of the angels.Report

  20. Christopher Carr says:


  21. Roland Dodds says:

    Thanks for everything Tod, you have done a great job here at OT. I am looking forward to the forthcoming podcast as well!Report

  22. Michael Cain says:

    In the last months of Our Todd’s reign, how much rain did Portland get? And what’s the forecast for the Sierras in California during the first week of Burt’s reign? Mere coincidence?Report

  23. Thanks for sharing awesome content.. I am looking forward to the forthcoming contentReport

  24. Michelle says:

    Thanks Tod for all the hard work you’ve done here. Best wishes with your writing career!Report