‘Scaliagate’ At Georgetown Law: The Conservatives Strike Back | Above the Law
I noticed the SJW-ish tone too, but thought to myself: that’s not a bug, it’s a feature. To the extent that the left is often about playing the victim, it seems to me that Barnett and Rosenkranz are saying, “Two can play at this game.” The conservatives are taking the “talk of micro-aggressions and trauma,” typically deployed so effectively by liberals, and turning it around on them.Is it sincere, or trolling, or a little bit of both? To be honest, I find it hard to tell (but perhaps that’s a sign of how exquisitely calibrated the Barnett/Rosenkranz message is).
Both sides in this debate, the liberals and the conservatives, profess to be standing up for students — the liberals for students who feel oppressed by Justice Scalia, and the conservatives for students who feel oppressed by liberal orthodoxy.
From: ‘Scaliagate’ At Georgetown Law: The Conservatives Strike Back | Above the Law
Well, I think this is probably the ultimate meta-criticism of American Movement Conservatism: it is really just a lagging indicator of American Liberal Progressivism. It’s why the hatred is so strong; Republicans aren’t really an alternative to Democrats in the sense of providing a different path towards a different progress… they are just shitty democrats.
Do I win a CK biscuit for that observation?Report
“Can’t you see? You’re not making liberalism any better; you’re just making conservatism worse!”
Good video (and true)… though I think it is: You are not making conservatism better, you’re making liberalism worse.Report
Friedrich Hayek made the same observation in Why I am not a Conservative. Halting an ideology requires an alternative vision, not just resistance.Report
Oops, did I just destroy my Libertarian street cred by proving I’ve never read Hayek?Report
Any weapon you have is a weapon your opponents will eventually use against you.
And the more effective it is, the quicker they will grab it.Report
If the weapon is an idea rather than an object, anyone can grab it at anytime. So if the weapon is in fact effective, it doesn’t make much sense to leave it there unused.Report
It’s why so many people want to see Trump’s long form birth certificate.Report
Or Cruz’s?Report