Creatures Of The Night: The Batman, M, and Hunter VS Hunted
Unlike The Batman which mostly follows the POV of the hunter, M gives us the POV of the hunted serial killer of children that has an entire town in mortal fear for their kids.
Unlike The Batman which mostly follows the POV of the hunter, M gives us the POV of the hunted serial killer of children that has an entire town in mortal fear for their kids.
The royal family announced Queen Elizabeth II death online, saying she had “died peacefully.” The announcement did not specify a cause.
The program, started by President Bush as Constellation, cancelled by President Obama and then resurrected by President Trump as Artemis, has been somewhat contentious.
Once people had it in their minds that there was a correct way to handle chronic pain it was only a matter of time until it started to affect prescriptions.
The parties were frequently corrupt. But, we have swung to the other extreme and neutered the ability of parties to function effectively at all.
Joe Biden was angry. He was mad at Trump. Angry at other Republicans. Angry at Trump supporters. Angry about everything.
Democrats should not attack the PPP on principle. It was a response to an emergency that kept millions of people employed despite its obvious flaws.
I would think there’s going to be a fight over the special master appointment, and that won’t be resolved this week.
In an era of boring mass media, we need creative weirdness more than ever. “Music is Over!” gets weird. But weird is probably what we most need right now.
Judge Aileen Cannon’s 24-page ruling threw another wrinkle in what is looking like a long, drawn-out legal battle over the Mar-a-lago docs.
Dense things take a while to get moving, which we have to give The Rings of Power, but there are a few concerning things here.
Are the pundits right? Are we drowning in an ocean of boring art and culture? What I’m struck by (more than some vague “boredom”) is how narrow the focus of so much art has become