Monthly Archive: September 2022
From ProPublica: A Private Policing Company in St. Louis Is Staffed With Top Police Department Officers
St. Louis’ largest private policing firm — hired to serve the city’s wealthier and whiter neighborhoods — is a who’s who of city police commanders, supervisors and other officers.
Special Master Appointed in Mar-a-Lago Document Review
Retired federal judge Raymond J. Dearie, described “as an exemplary jurist who is well suited to the job of special master, having previously served on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.”
POETS Day: Philip Larkin
I’ve barely scratched the surface of Philip Larkin’s public work but what I have read I have thoroughly enjoyed.
Weekend Plans Post: The Double Feature
I saw two movies. The Black Phone and Top Gun: Maverick. Both were made for GenXers.
The Transnistrian Corridor: Why Moldovans are Afraid They Will Be Putin’s Next Target.
Why Moldovans are Afraid of either aggression from Transnistria or Russians under the guise of supporting the rebels, like in Ukraine.
Republican Politicians and the Abortion Millstone
In an appeal to Republican voters ahead of the midterms to NOT abandon the GOP, Graham has introduced a national abortion restriction bill in the Senate.
Real Help From Imaginary Friends
In our Leaguefest DM group, then later at Leaguefest, Em referred to us as her “imaginary friends” and the term stuck.
Why Putin Has Already Lost His War in Ukraine, Even If He Wins It.
Fixing the current tactical issues Russia faces in the war in Ukraine will require time and money. Both which Russia will soon run out of.
A Reverie on Failure Part 11: The Discourtesy of Poaching
Poaching gives hunting a bad name; this is the stuff we conservationists have to bear in order to make our case.
The Month in Theaters August 2022
I managed to get to the theaters seven times in August. On top of that, I watched ten movies elsewhere, for a total of seventeen reviews.