Thursday Throughput: Bigger Better Earths Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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6 Responses

  1. Michael Cain says:

    ThTh1: Doesn’t a right-sized gas giant like Jupiter also help by sweeping up a lot of the junk so events like the dinosaur-killer are much rarer?Report

  2. George Turner says:

    ThTh6: Chris Hadfield did a master’s class on being an astronaut. It was pretty basic stuff at first, and then went into some depth on most topics. The only major error I caught was that he was mistaken about why space ships use blunt shapes for re-entry. It’s not really to slow down quicker (in fact ICBM’s want to come in fas. so they are very dense narrow cones), it’s to move the extremely hot gas in the shockwave away from the heat shield by having that superheated shockwave form some distance ahead of instead of against the surface of the vehicle.

    ThTh9: That telescope may be good in cold climates, but I don’t think it’s all suited to some of the remote desert location, or good for solar observation.Report

  3. Carl Schwent says:

    ThTh8: In the ’70s my college roommate was an astronomy major. He said that there were parts of astronomy where it was considered good accuracy to be within a factor of ten … in the exponent.Report

  4. George Turner says:

    Here’s an explanation from Harvard on the hexagonal storm system on Saturn’s pole.

    Youtube videoReport

  5. George Turner says:

    ScienceAlert story: Astronomers caught the last scream of light from a star devoured by a black hole

    Astronomers get off on this kind of thing. I tell ‘ya, they’re sick, sick, sick. ^_^Report