Election 2020 Chapter 3: The Surprisingly Interesting Boomer Election

Luis A. Mendez

Boricua. Floridian. Theist. Writer. Podcaster. Film Critic. Oscars Predictor. Occasional Psephologist. Member Of The Critics Association Of Central Florida, The International Film Society Critics, And The Puerto Rico Critics Association.

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8 Responses

  1. InMD says:

    I was corrected by another commenter on this, that technically Biden is silent generation, as is arguably Trump depending on when exactly you time the switch to boomers.Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to InMD says:

      If you don’t count Trump as a Boomer, then neither are Clinton or George W. Bush. The three of them were born in a span of just over two months in the summer of 1946. And Obama is also barely a Boomer. Of the four, Clinton comes the closest to having experienced the major Boomer cultural touchstones like Vietnam, civil rights violence, white flight to the suburbs, etc. Trump and Bush were too rich, Obama too young.Report

      • InMD in reply to Michael Cain says:

        I count them both as probably too damn old for the job but I saw my chance to lay the bit of knowledge laid on me and took it.Report

      • Doctor Jay in reply to Michael Cain says:

        Yeah, there’s a strange pattern of picking presidents from the ends of the Baby Boom, but not from the middle.

        I sort of get the three born in 1946. That was a very lucky year to be born in, since you faced an upsurge in opportunities that happened to deal with all the kids coming along behind you, but not that much competition. Not as good as being at the top, or the backside, where there was lots of competition, but not so much growth projected.Report

  2. Saul Degraw says:

    The latest NBC polls give Biden a clear advantage over Trump in the nation as a whole and key states.


  3. North says:

    It’s still so early to be guessing at this but I think the analysis is generally on point. Biden has so many possible routes to get to a victory but Trump really has only one: he needs to win PA, WI and MI again. He just doesn’t seem to have pick up opportunities anywhere else.
    And when ya simplify it down that far it’s hard to keep grimly agnostic about Bidens’ chances. He has a lot of ties to PA and is reputedly pretty strong there though I am doubtful about how much credence to put in those stories. Trump has been having a lot of news with MI and none of it has been particularly good.
    If I was to pick which of the three was strongest for Trump I’d guess WI but if he loses MI and PA then he loses everything. Plus North Carolina is somewhat wobbly for him.
    I’m not gonna bet on a Democratic Florida though. It seems more like leans Republican to me, no matter what the polling says.

    I feel like Biden’s VP pick is going to have a larger impact than normal. Personally I like the idea of Amy K. If he has her virtually living in the midwest it’d cause no end of trouble for the GOP there. But he has a number of other options too.

    Still, ultimately, it’s going to probably be close. A Biden landslide would be utterly delicious but I don’t know if we’re in a country that’s capable of producing landslide victories now. The polarization is pretty sharp.Report