I’m Dreaming of a Bike Christmas

Kristin Devine

Kristin has humbly retired as Ordinary Times' friendly neighborhood political whipping girl to focus on culture and gender issues. She lives in a wildlife refuge in rural Washington state with too many children and way too many animals. There's also a blog which most people would very much disapprove of https://atomicfeminist.com/

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77 Responses

  1. fillyjonk says:

    Courtship food gifts, exactly. I once joked in grad school that it would suck to be an animal behavioralist on Valentine’s Day: “Oh, a box of chocolates. You got me a courtship food gift. I suppose you expect me to copulate with you now?”

    (The behavioral ecologist on that campus, his area of study was in this species of crickets that does the courtship food gift thing and yes, it is a very obvious “they are going to copulate if he gives it to her”)

    I think what makes me eyerolly about the ad is the OMG, could these people be any richer? aspect of it. Like, 3-million-dollar-house-in-Boston-with-idyllic-views rich. It’s the same thing as the couple with the big rambling house who get each other a freaking Lexus for Christmas. I mean, if we’re going to that fantasy land, just make the commercials animated cartoons or put a CGI emu in them or some damned thing.

    So yes, maybe it is a little bit of jealousy talking. I have literally no one to “spoil” me and even if I did, I don’t have room in my little house for a giant exercise bike, not without getting rid of the guest bed in the guest bedroom or soemthing.

    I DON’T like working out but I do it because it’s important for my health. Would I like it better with a $2500 exercise bike that connected up to what look like tv shows of trainers who will berate me for slowing down? Probably not. Though maybe having some different pieces of equipment would mean fewer RSI type injuries when I try to get in the large number of minutes recommended per week for those of us who are inclined to be pudgy. (I am nursing a muscle cramp in my quad this morning after doing a more intense workout yesterday, so I may be more down on exercise than usual)Report

  2. Marchmaine says:

    I said my peace on the other thread… seems to me mostly a tone/acting/editing miscue around her nervousness… they cut or under-emphasized “why” she’d be nervous and since no one in the history of humanity has ever been nervous about riding an exercise bike… it opens up the spot to wild speculation.

    I’d write more, but… cashmere underpants are now an obsession. Do I give them to my bride for the pure luxurious excess or wear them to demonstrate how indifferent I am to destroying cashmere?Report

    • fillyjonk in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Grossness warning:

      Cashmere underpants seem to me like a yeast infection waiting to happen.

      (I tend to be a “cotton, or GTHO” kind of woman)Report

    • dragonfrog in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Yeah, that’s my impression of it. It’s a perfect horror movie trailer. Everything is outwardly perfect – wealth, health, family.
      But the woman is clearly terrified. The. Whole. Time.

      Every expression of satisfaction is obviously insincere, just look at her eyes. There is something wrong in that home, something terribly wrong.

      The various versions of the ad recut with horror movie music work so well because of the lead’s acting.

      The exact same ad with a lead actor who smiled in a way that didn’t make you want to slip her the number of a domestic abuse help line would have worked much better for peloton, less so for the spoofers.Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to dragonfrog says:

        This is apparently a bipartisan issue, even conservatives think the ad implies an abusive relationship


      • fillyjonk in reply to dragonfrog says:

        MetaFilter is talking about it, someone brought up “but maybe the actress just has Resting Worried Face and we’re reading too much into it?” and I kind of smacked my forehead because I tend to have Resting Worried Face too.

        I pretty much always look like I’m anxious about something. (That doesn’t mean, though, I’m not usually anxious about SOMETHING because I am, it’s just, I apparently LOOK more anxious than I feel)

        I also think of the old DH Lawrence story, “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” where one of the plot points is the kid obsessively riding his rocking horse (to the point of brain-fever and death, it is implied) to somehow psychically learn the names of winners in horse races, because the walls of the house where he and his shabby-aristocrat family seem to whisper “There must be more money!” constantly.

        Honestly, for a lot of women, something similar happens, “you must lower your BMI!” everything chants at us. And it sucks, but a lot of us fall for it. (And yes, I know: exercising is good for you. But exercising so you can ‘earn” the calories you take in in a day – which is how many women and some men perceive it – is not good for you).

        I work out because it makes me marginally less anxious and supposedly it keeps a couple chronic health issues I’m at a familial risk for at bay. I do not, however, love exercising, and I suspect if I had no family history of Type II diabetes and congestive heart failure, and I was an acceptably-small-by-American-Cultural-Values size, I wouldn’t bother to exercise at all.

        Oh, I might walk a little. but not exercise to the point of tiredness and being all sweaty.Report

        • dragonfrog in reply to fillyjonk says:

          Realistically that’s probably it – that’s probably just how she looks. That, combined with questionable scripting (I’m a little nervous / eugh it’s 6 AM / look I made you a video of myself exercising) made this little 30 seconds of dystopia.Report

        • atomickristin in reply to fillyjonk says:

          You know, this is a great point and would be an awesome thinkpiece.

          How is looking at this poor woman who was probably thrilled beyond belief to have a job and is now looking at her acting career going up in smoke before her very wide and beautiful eyes and judging her face as “terrified” any different than looking at a woman and saying “OMGosh you look so tired” or the dreaded “Smile”?

          I’m not sure that it is.


      • atomickristin in reply to dragonfrog says:

        You know, if we’re at the point at which bad casting and less-than-optimal acting can be deemed problematic, I don’t even know, man.

        The actress was probably the friend of a friend and she probably feels like an idiot right now, which is really unfortunate. She is probably thinking “I’m never gonna work again” so I hope someone snaps her up with a horror movie role and pays her enough so she can actually buy a Peloton, which she probably can’t afford IRL.Report

        • Eh, she’ll probably be OK. Lifetime still makes movies-of-the-week, doesn’t it?

          (It’s also possible she has some other more regular gig than acting, I don’t remember seeing her in anything before but then again I’m a little face-blind so I might not recognize her)Report

        • Marchmaine in reply to atomickristin says:

          For the record, I’m surprised that actress is concerned about her career… when I talk about miscue’s in production its not that she’s a bad actor. I assume the director said: “Look nervous, it’s important that you look nervous, but determined… think Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music as she’s leaving the convent, Now Action!” She nailed it.

          The miscue is that we have no idea what’s making her nervous… or why she’s so determined. I mean, we’re not entitled to that information… but without it, your guess is as good as any.Report

    • …acting/editing miscue…

      I was wondering about this. A few years ago there were a bunch of Super Bowl commercials that were only so-so. When you went online and found the longer versions — 120 seconds instead of 60, 60 seconds instead of 30 — it was amazing how much better the longer version was at telling the story. Would a 60-second version of this ad, cut from the same pile of footage they originally shot, have come out significantly different?Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Michael Cain says:

        I’d expect so, in fact, it might help explain why no one at Peleton picked-up on it, they were already filling in the backstory with either their own expectations and/or scenes that were edited out so we could catch a glimpse of her sexy bestockinged feet.Report

      • Hey, it certainly seemed to be the case for the 8th season Game of Thrones, right?

        “Shorter! Shorter! SHORTER! Oh crap, maybe we made it too short”Report

    • pillsy in reply to Marchmaine says:

      Maybe it was because I was primed by Andrew Donaldson, but the whole thing really came off as very, um, culty to me. Like first she’s all nervous about the bike and then it changes her life, then she’s getting up at six to ride it, and by the end of the year it’s, “Iä! Iä! Peleton fthagn! Dark Bike of the McMansion With a Thousand Motivational Streams!”Report

  3. OK. Now I find myself agree with both you and Em! This was a great take on the issue. And I laughed a lot. Another great post, Kristin!Report

    • atomickristin in reply to Michael Siegel says:

      I also agree with both me and Em – I sat on the fence which argument I wanted to make since they both feel valid to me, and decided to go with the one fewer people had made, but speaking as someone who once received the gift of a knife sharpener to sharpen an old knife we had in the garage rather than the actual quality kitchen knife that I had requested, I could relate LOLReport

  4. Saul Degraw says:

    1. There is still a part of me that thinks the ad was intentionally designed to “produce” the all the critiques it did. The three million dollar house, the perfect use of athleisure wear, and instagram “influencer” language in the video segments.

    2. Peloton lost nearly 950 million dollars in value because of the tweets and backlash so even if it was intentional, they fucked up.Report

    • fillyjonk in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Warms the icy cockles of my heart, it does, to imagine their leadership first cackling and rubbing their hands together about “oooh, this will go viral, we will get all this free advertising” and then, a couple days later, going “NOT THIS WAY! WE DIDN’T MEAN IT TO BE LIKE THIS!”

      (Then again: if I had some of my retirement dollars invested in them, I’d probably feel differently.)Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Buy on the dip.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine says:

        Yeah. I don’t see anybody who was likely to buy one of these who will end up not buying one due to the backlash.

        I do see a handful of people maybe seeing this as a way to communicate aspirational fitness goals and purchasing one when, before, they wouldn’t have.Report

    • Dave in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Are you referring to a dip in the share price.

      I should opine on all of this. I just watched the ad and it’s the biggest nothing burger I’ve probably ever seen for anything remotely close to being fitness or lifestyle related.

      I can’t even believe it’s a worthy topic of discussion especially given what I see in the fitness world every single day.Report

    • Joseph Mroczek in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      Shares go up and shares go down. If I was a short term trader sort, an ~20% fall due to a single ad would definitely bump it up on my list for short term plays.

      I am not even sure this hurts them mid to long term. Peloton has probably been said/typed by non-company folks more times in the last two weeks than the last year. The linked youtube video has been watched 3M+ times. All the subconscious on-brand stuff is still there.

      If I had to guess, the worry/harried look was supposed to be there, but only visibly subconsciously. We are probably supposed to empathize with her and feel that the bike makes things “better”. Getting an emotional activation is more important than making sure it is “positive”. Linking their product to anger/fear is not out of line. Anger/fear around exercise is already there, so why not grab that rail to increase salience of your product.Report

  5. Fish says:

    I mean…if you’re buying lobster so you can put your foot in the door you’re either exercising (ha!) a kink (hashtagnoshame) or you got your sex ed in Kansas.

    Enjoyed it, Kristin!Report

  6. Aaron David says:

    “The consensus is this: the giving of gifts communicates a man’s willingness to invest economically in a woman and her potential offspring rather than just doing a hit and run, leaving her holding the bag, by which I mean the baby.”

    And :
    “The Peloton ad tells a very beautiful story about a happily-married and thoroughly spoiled woman who saw something she wanted, demanded it, and received it.”

    I am seeing a different story. What with the million-dollar house with its Architectural Digest interior, the wair-like yet aging woman, the fear expressed along with the willingness to get up before the household starts to awaken, this whole thing smacks of a trophy-wife who fears her time has come, just like the last one SHE displaced. And the one before that, and the one before that, and so on.

    They have always lived in the castle…Report

    • atomickristin in reply to Aaron David says:

      That seems to be the takeaway for most people, it will have to be the next in my series of women fighting formerly inanimate objects:

      Mom Vs. Couch
      Women In Refrigerators: A Cold Day In Hell
      Grace In Boston Is No Longer Terrified Of Her Exercise BikeReport

      • I’m just saying, I’d read the hell out of a low-level-horror story about a woman fighting an exercise machine that had somehow become demonically possessed.Report

      • DensityDuck in reply to atomickristin says:

        SCP-2894 Haunted Peloton
        Subjects first express trepidation beyond mere dislike for exercise.
        After riding for between two and four hours, their mood changes to excitement. After this time subjects will forcibly resist being removed from the exercise device. They are able to maintain usage of the device even if their physical condition would normally not support it, despite occasional statements expressing fatigue (using highly consistent language; “keep going” and “c’mon, just ONE more” are regularly repeated, and “helluva workout” is said in 95% of experimental runs at 3:46:08).
        At some point between six and eight hours the subjects disappear; even high-framerate camera footage cannot detect any duration for this process.
        After this they appear on the cycle’s video screen at random intervals, in the same age and physical state they were at the time of disappearance, expressing enjoyment at riding their exercise bicycle and exhorting viewers to begin or continue using the machine. The subjects do not look in any direction other than directly towards the camera of the bike they are riding. Analysis of the captured subjects’ eye movements and facial muscles shows that they are experiencing extreme terror.Report

    • PD Shaw in reply to Aaron David says:

      And the villagers called out:

      “Merricat, said Constance, would you like a cup of tea?
      Oh no, said Merricat, you’ll poison me.
      Merricat, said Constance, would you like me to go to sleep?
      Down in the boneyard ten feet deep!”

      I gather we, the internet, are the villagers, watching the pathetic wife’s story wind-down with such utter predictability, that one wants to pick up a rock and smash it all up.Report

  7. Aaron David says:

    Just as an aside, I was reading somewhere the other day (and would link to if I remembered, so grain of salt and all) that companies like Peloton, along with many of the cooking/ingredient delivery and other lifestyle companies, spend on average something like twice in advertising as much as they bring in as revenue at this point. So, while they are still trying to grow the brands, bad viral marketing really can hurt them.Report

  8. JoeSal says:

    Huh, just looks like a commercial where casting some how dropped the ball and picked a crappy actress with those big doe eyes like you would see in a didney cartoon.

    What’s less than a nothing burger?

    Good stuff KristinReport

  9. pillsy says:

    My meta take is that the ad provoked a panoply of very strong and honestly kinda weird reactions because it was so overly dramatic (including the initial anxiety) about a freaking stationary bike. Maybe it really is a cool bike or whatever, but one way or another it’s presented as this Momentous Thing in our heroine’s life, and without that distancing irony, and it’s strange and our brains need to construct Narratives to account for the strangeness, and then Allahpundit of all people hits on spousal abuse and we’re off to the Magnesium Flare Take races.Report

    • Kristin Devine in reply to pillsy says:

      But how many commercials have we seen like that already?? A gillion?? This commercial is no different than 500 other commercials I’ve seen already this holiday season in which Thing X brings about a joyous and monumental life change that makes it worth the expense.

      (it occurs to me this may be more of a chick commercial than you’re accustomed to, but I assure you it’s completely ordinary if not for the “husband bought her an exercise bike” angle)

      This is totally a 2019 Outrage Olympics thing that we never would have noticed 5 years ago.Report

      • pillsy in reply to Kristin Devine says:

        It may be more of a commercial than I’m accustomed to. I mostly watch shows via streaming and sports at the bar with the sound off; very rarely do I actually see a commercial with sound and all.

        That probably makes me weird as, like, a person, but perhaps not so weird by the standards of my fellow Twitter obsessives.

        (I definitely agree with the Outrage Olympics part: I think the ad is kinda weird and off-putting but not offensive.)Report

        • Kristin Devine in reply to pillsy says:

          We just got Hulu (which is literally the only reason why I had even seen this ad before the controversy) and it was decidedly weird to be watching commercials again after a solid 5 plus years of exclusively streaming.

          But I have a recollection back to when we still had regular TV, of female-targeted commercials being very much along these lines. That there is something wrong with you that you desperately need to fix is endemic in these types of commercials. It was actually my husband who made the joke about it being a mistake to buy your wife exercise equipment, it didn’t even register with me at all.Report

          • pillsy in reply to Kristin Devine says:

            Just as an aside, the 2019 Outrage Olympics thing really is spot on.

            Ads are one of those things that pervade our lives that seem weirder the more you (or at least I) think about it: they’re incredibly sophisticated propaganda for stuff. Just hamburgers and then exercise bikes because the propaganda for the hamburgers worked too well.

            And of course we’re going to react to the weirdness at times. Maybe print up some “I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!” t-shirts. I learned it from watching your brain on drugs, et c.

            But close parsing for dark hidden meanings inspiring a spiral of offense and counter-offense: totally 2019.Report

  10. Michael Cain says:

    Here’s a piece with a long quote from the part-time actor (full-time elementary school teacher) who played the husband. Basically, he’s completely flabbergasted about all the people saying terrible things about him based on five seconds of video in a 30-second commercial.Report

    • JS in reply to Michael Cain says:

      “Basically, he’s completely flabbergasted about all the people saying terrible things about him based on five seconds of video in a 30-second commercial.”

      A number of actors have basically quit the field because people couldn’t tell their relatively well known characters from the actors, a fate worse than being type cast because at least people don’t scream at you on the streets because you only get sci-fi roles.Report

    • greginak in reply to Michael Cain says:

      Thanks for pointing that interview. And of course, damn, some people are terrible.Report

    • Reading that actually caused me physical pain, and he was by far less recognizable than Grace in Boston who I expect is now living in a hole in Nunavut and praying for this nightmare to end.

      Sheesh, America, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!Report

  11. JS says:

    As I noted before, I think the entire thing could have been avoided with a single change — give some indication, anything, that she wanted the bike.

    Her circling exercise bikes in a magazine. Her complaining she wants to do spin classes but the gym is too far or she hates exercising around people. Anything at all to indicate that she, in any way, wanted that bike in the first place.

    That gets rid of about half the problem. Her reactions and the instagram like video is about her getting into a healthy habit, with the usual woes of the first few weeks and getting up earlier. Of course she’s a little unhappy — it’s 5:00 AM and she’s got to exercise, and it sucks a lot the first few weeks. Everyone knows that. Her video? “Look how much I loved that gift, even if I complained a lot about how sore I was or how early I had to get up, I used the crap out of that thing. Totally worth the insane price tag.”

    I mean you still have the multi-million dollar house, the fact that she probably needs a few burgers just to get up the stamina to survive a spin class, and the impractical clothing — but heck, that’s not really remarkable for advertisement.

    But without some indication she wanted the bike, it’s way too easy to see “Too-skinny trophy wife forces herself to exercise more and eat even less to prevent divorce, and then disturbingly praises husband for making her do it.”

    Didn’t they even focus test the thing? Run it by a few female eyeballs whose paychecks weren’t derived from saying “LOVE IT”.Report

    • Aaron David in reply to JS says:

      Nailed it.Report

    • Kristin Devine in reply to JS says:

      While I agree, it’s such a minor oversight and it’s obvious to anyone who can read between the lines that she wanted the bike. For example, she immediately knew the brand name “Peloton” which most of us did not until about 3 days ago LOL.

      It’s a commercial, not a pilot for a dramatic series. IDK. I agree it would have been better, but I don’t remember Spuds McKenzie having a 3 act structure and motivation for wanting to drink Bud Light with bikini modelsReport

      • pillsy in reply to Kristin Devine says:

        I agree it would have been better, but I don’t remember Spuds McKenzie having a 3 act structure and motivation for wanting to drink Bud Light with bikini models

        And what a missed opportunity that was!Report

      • JS in reply to Kristin Devine says:

        Because a dog that was clearly a stand-in for the average male viewer did not really need to explain the motivation to drink with bikini models, as the motivation was obvious to the viewers.

        The problem with this commercial circles back to there was an obvious motivation, but not the one the makers probably intended.

        Tiny wife of rich husband gets exercise bike for Christmas tells a story, but the first one to spring to the average mind is not “Wife wanted an exercise bike for Christmas” especially when she’s shown unhappily waking up at 5:00 AM.Report

        • KenB in reply to JS says:

          the first one to spring to the average mind

          FWIW, a group of us were talking about this commercial today at work, and the folks who saw it before the hubbub started hadn’t seen anything wrong with it. Personally I’d been exposed to the complaints before watching it — I can certainly understand the less happy take but I have no idea what I would’ve thought without the prompt.Report

        • Ozzzy! in reply to JS says:

          Maybe I’m not the first person to think this, but think I am the first person to ask on these free for all comments – what makes you think the husband is the breadwinner here?

          The level of projection by commenters, coupled with lack of self consideration, on this comment section alone, and ignoring other media, is absurd.

          Take a deep breath at least so I can get my popcorn folks.Report

          • JoeSal in reply to Ozzzy! says:

            Huh, amatuers.

            If she was assumed the bread winner that would immediately resolve any future ability to bitch about the patriarchy. Didn’t you get the latest memo from Liberation Road?Report

          • Kristin Devine in reply to Ozzzy! says:

            Hmm, are we reading the same comments here? I thought everyone was having fun? I was like “my what a civil and pleasant comments section, what a nice change of pace”.

            I thought it was obvious Grace was employed outside the home, she came rolling in dressed up like she’d been at the office and then hopped on the bike in one scene.

            The thing is the husband was the one who bought the present. I don’t think that means that it was necessarily his MONEY that bought the present, it just means he was the one who did the act of purchasing, thus his motives are the ones under the microscope.

            No matter who earned the money, the people are clearly meant to be very well off given the house and the Peloton.Report

            • Ozzzy! in reply to Kristin Devine says:

              Didn’t mean you Kristin – I though t your read was pretty fun and very level/fair. I’ll just point to whatever JS plopped onto your plate in the reply to you below as what I was referring to. Or any of the comments above related to a ‘trophy wife’.Report

        • Kristin Devine in reply to JS says:

          Well that’s kind of the point I’m trying to make here. As a woman no one needed to explain the motivation to me of wanting a piece of expensive exercise equipment and getting it under the Christmas tree. It was obvious she wanted it and had asked for it. Lots of women get up early to exercise, it’s a complete thing, and no one enjoys it but we do it because it’s a good time to work out with our schedules.

          I DON’T think the average person of even just 5 years ago would have seen that ad and thought “that guy thought his wife was fat” when she clearly was the furthest thing from fat or “he’s abusive” from the fact that the actress missed the target a bit. The motivation WAS obvious, as obvious as Spuds McKenzie, it’s just that we’re all so primed to look for the next shocking problematic thing to cluck over (and may I say, to see marriage as an inescapable prison, women as victims, and husbands – particularly of the wealthy white male variety – as patriarchal bad guy on the market for borderline anorexic trophy wives) that we read that into it rather than just seeing what it actually was – a dude got a nice present for his wife for Christmas.Report

          • JS in reply to Kristin Devine says:

            “It was obvious she wanted it and had asked for it”.

            Yeah, no. It wasn’t. That’s the whole problem. It was not obvious to everyone watching the ad, which is why the ad did not do so great.

            ” it’s just that we’re all so primed to look for the next shocking problematic thing to cluck over (and may I say, to see marriage as an inescapable prison, women as victims, and husbands – particularly of the wealthy white male variety – as patriarchal bad guy on the market for borderline anorexic trophy wives)”

            So you think it was obvious, and anyone disagreeing is effectively brainwashed? That’s what you’re going with?

            Seems a bit…convenient. “My opinions and judgement are so factual that only propaganda can cause someone to disagree” is a pretty thin ledge there.Report

  12. Kazzy says:

    I wonder how many folks complaining about this are in Peloton’s target audience. I don’t think Peloton is trying to sell to people who’ve never heard of them before. They’re trying to get people who know them and are considering them over the hump. Peloton isn’t just a bike. It’s a whole lifestyle/philosophy/whatever. They’re targeting the person whose friend has one and who demoed it at the mall but is wondering, “Is it worth the absurd cost?!” And this commercial is telling you YES. Not because it’ll make you skinny. Because it’ll be “life changing”. You’ll become a Peloton person. Just like Grace.Report

    • Kristin Devine in reply to Kazzy says:

      Totally agree. That’s what they were going for, is that exercise makes you feel good, strong, powerful, etc . I think they may have deliberately picked an already thin woman because of that very reason…Peloton isn’t about weight loss, damn it, it’s about the JOURNEY to self-actualization!!!Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to Kazzy says:

      Not because it’ll make you skinny. Because it’ll be “life changing”. You’ll become a Peloton person. Just like Grace.

      It will be interesting to see if they can succeed at that. Nordic Track will now sell you similar equipment and a similar experience for less money.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Michael Cain says:

        From what I understand, the Peloton has two income streams. The first is for the physical equipment. The second is the $39/month for the subscription for the Peloton Service.

        Are you *REALLY* going to unsubscribe? Don’t you *CARE* about fitness? You know how much it costs to go to a gym? You can ride the bike tomorrow.Report

        • Michael Cain in reply to Jaybird says:

          Nordic Track’s IFit, $40/month or $400/year, comes with all the bells and whistles — live streaming classes, personal trainer, simulated outdoor touring, etc.

          Nordic Track’s video ads don’t do back story, but have more skin and sweat. I wonder if the same people who are saying Grace from Boston is “too skinny” and “waif-like” would complain about the Nordic Track models’ physiques as well.Report

  13. George Turner says:

    Looks like Ryan Reynolds knows to jump in on a viral discussion.
