

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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27 Responses

  1. Maribou says:

    FWIW, I’m really glad we’re keeping the car, mostly because I’m tired and there’s so much going on and this just seems like a lot less work, even putting the infinitely debatable money questions to one side.

    (How you know you are from the internet – when your husband informs you of his decision about something like this online in a public blog post and that’s actually how you would prefer to learn of it…)

    Things are looking up for my friend who is still in critical condition in the ICU but, y’know, she’s still in critical condition in the ICU. Just she can talk now (sometimes) and stuff :).

    I intend to spend most of the weekend helping out where I can, again, but also we have gaming on Saturday and the host has very kindly agreed to make his spaghetti and cheesy garlic bread for us all.

    There’s a home varsity soccer game that one of my students is playing in on Sunday afternoon, slim chance if it’s not too hot and I”m not busy helping, I’ll go, but more likely I’ll wait till October to show up for games.Report

  2. This weekend, playing bridge. We have switched from Friday evenings to Saturday afternoons because, and I know this is surprising, everyone plays better when they’re not exhausted from a full day of work.

    Last weekend, we saw a production of The Pirates of Penzance. It was a lot of fun. Compared to The Mikado or Pinafore, it’s short on funny songs, though it does of course have the best song in all of G&S, one that’s infinitely parodyable.



    Disappointed there’s no photo.

    You should’ve gone for new, or certified pre-owned vehicle.Report

    • Fish in reply to PROFESSOR ESPERANTO says:

      (With Jaybird’s permission, I’ll try to get you a photo next time I’m near the Birdmobile.)

      I think he’s made the best choice here, really. The damage that isn’t cosmetic (lights, windshield) is easily repairable and costs Jb only time, and it’s an otherwise mechanically sound vehicle which is paid off. A little money in his pocket, a little story to tell, a car with “character”…what’s not to love?Report

  4. fillyjonk says:

    My ONE federal holiday until Thanksgiving is Monday. (We get Labor Day off but none of the other “public schools and bankers” holidays).

    This afternoon I go out with my research student to start the fieldwork. She is actually a pre-med type so this will be a new experience for her (and I will be doing a lot of the plant ID, I suspect). Not exactly looking forward to it because it’s still eleventy-hundred degrees out here. I think I’m going to take one of the camp stools just in case I wind up needing to sit down for a bit. (Being on a beta blocker has adversely affected my “work out in the heat” tolerance).

    Other than that, my plans are to write the first exam (sigh) for one of my classes and to read over again The Tragedy of the Commons which another of my classes is to discuss on Tuesday.

    And to relax some. It’s been a tough couple of weeks. I have a couple sewing projects ahead that I fear if I don’t tackle them this weekend, they’ll sit in limbo forever.

    Today is my parents’ 59th anniversary. While it sucks that my dad is stuck in a rehab center (still doing PT and also lung-therapy), it could have been worse based on how things looked a couple of weeks ago. Still, I wish they were both in good enough physical shape to go out to a nice dinner together.Report

  5. Michael Cain says:

    Over the past couple of years, I’ve dodged 3, maybe 4, hail storms that would have done this to my car. My luck was bound to run out and if it wasn’t this hail storm that did it, it’d be the next one.

    It’s always seemed to me that automotive body shops are much more common in Front Range Colorado than any of the other places I’ve lived. Back in the 90s we had two cars that were new enough the insurance covered the repairs that had to be “re-skinned” entirely — all of the exterior sheet metal replaced.Report

  6. Marchmaine says:

    Well, this weekend is the Apaloosa Festival and our anniversary… so, obviously an Apaloosiversary.

    Apaloosa is a multi-generational event with vaguely folk, hipster, catholic undertones. Pretty much the entire community of all ages turns out… its pretty cute to see 4-yr olds mingling with the college crowd, teens, and oldsters. But that’s just how our youth culture rolls.

    The brothers in the Host band, Scythian, are friends of the family and we’ve known them since they were kids… now they’re marrying and throwing festivals n’stuff. They grow up so fast.

    Gaelic Storm is headlining on Saturday and tickets are still available… so come on down, I’ll buy you a glass of wine from one of our local wineries.Report

  7. Marchmaine says:

    I think I exceeded the link limit with this weekend’s events?…Report

  8. Jaybird says:

    Aaaaaand the 5k has been cancelled.

    I would have been more enthusiastic about it if I knew it was going to be cancelled.Report

  9. Mike Dwyer says:

    My stepdaughter moved into the dorms at her college yesterday. It’s only 20 minutes away, but it was decided that some distance would be good for all of us. We also are hoping that having people she is not related to also telling her that she should clean up after herself in the kitchen and it’s gross to never put the cap back on the toothpaste will give her some perspective on life.

    My oldest daughter is also getting married next week. They are essentially doing a stay-elopement, meaning no one is invited to the ceremony but it will be in-town. She is very much her own person, but a good kid and we like her future husband well-enough, so that’s that.

    What all of this means is that at the ripe old age of 43 my wife and I are now empty-nesters (having your kids young has its perks). We are realizing our house may be too large for the longterm and I have small fears that we don’t like each other as much as we think, but I cannot begin to describe how excited I am for the next few months of peace.Report

    • Fish in reply to Mike Dwyer says:

      “We also are hoping that having people she is not related to also telling her that she should clean up after herself in the kitchen…”

      I’d be interested in knowing if this actually works.Report

  10. jason says:

    First college football game for my school–it’s division II, so it’s not the zoo of the big schools–Nice atmosphere and fun. And school work on Sunday.Report

    • Mike Dwyer in reply to jason says:

      Lucky you. My school plays Alabama. No downside I guess, other than a potentially embarrassing final score. If we lose we were supposed to. If we win, holy cow what an upset.Report

      • jason in reply to Mike Dwyer says:

        Your team’s the Card’s, right? I’ll be silently rooting for them. My Clarksville friend (lives in Jeff now) is a big fan. My school has won five or six RMAC championships and one national championship (since 2008), so we’re usually pretty competitive.Report

  11. I decided to finally replace my aged Accord. Another driver, who failed to stop at a red light, made it an easy decision. (I’m fine, but the car is not.)Report