

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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29 Responses

  1. Murali says:

    I’m packing up, preparing to move to Coventry for the next 4 years for my PhD. Also trying to get wedding invites sent out before I leave.Report

  2. Reformed Republican says:

    I am going to a wedding today, my own. It will be a simple courthouse wedding. After that, we head off on our honeymoon weekend.Report

  3. North says:

    War for the Overworld; basically Dungeon Keeper 3. They got the same narrator, makes me feel like a teenager again.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to North says:

      Oooh. Last time I looked at this, it was a noble failure and a disappointment… the patches they’ve released since then appear to have fixed all of the problems!Report

      • North in reply to Jaybird says:

        Yes, I had heard horrible things and stayed away, but now with the patches it’s running like a clockwork dream. If you played Dungeon Keeper 2 and loved it (I so so did) it’s a touch jarring because they don’t own the intellectual property (May EA burn in hell forever) so everything is the same but tapped gently about an inch to the left: You’re the Underlord not the Keeper, you get cultists instead of warlocks, etc… but it is the same, just updated and filled with everything the fans loved. There’re no videos of course, a pity but unnecessary, and it’s deep.

        If you liked DK2 then you owe it to yourself to buy it. Richard Ridings exquisite growling narration is worth the ticket price alone.Report

  4. Zac says:

    I picked up an Xbone a few weeks and have been putting a lot of time into Dragon Age: Inquisition, and getting to play all the DLC content this time around (plus finally getting the Keep to work!) has been pretty delightful. I beat Corypheus earlier today, so now I’m just waiting for the last war table op to finish before I go check out the content of the final DLC, Trespasser (which is apparently an epilogue of some kind? If you’ve already played it, please, no spoilers).Report

    • North in reply to Zac says:

      I was wondering if I should bother going back… the husband bought the DLC but doesn’t want to play it, he wants me to play it so he can just watch from the background (lazy git) but I don’t know if it’s worth going back into DA to do.Report

    • Hoosegow Flask in reply to Zac says:

      I got pretty far in (I think), but never did finish the main storyline. I hope I still have my save game lying around somewhere…Report

    • Zac in reply to Zac says:

      Wow…I just finished Trespasser after an all-day play session. The plot involves a rogue Qunari group planning to simultaneously assassinate all the leaders of Thedas, and if you didn’t save Bull’s Chargers during Iron Bull’s story mission (or didn’t do it at all)…Bull betrays you. Iron Bull was my favorite character and was my go-to in pretty much every outing, so I was devastated when this happened. My jaw literally dropped. Honestly, I’m still kinda in shock. It’s rare for video games to evoke a feeling like that…I’m really, really impressed.Report

  5. Morat20 says:

    Cleaning out books — mostly from storage (Texas summers have not been kind to them as it is) to go to Half Price books. I need to reclaim shelf space, but I thought I’d start with the boxes in the garage.

    Might finally finish Dragon Age 2. 🙂Report

  6. Fish says:

    “And I was silent for a second, thinking “I didn’t call you to discuss metaphysics.””


    I beat FTL last night on Easy with the Mantis cruiser…but I kind of cheated to do it. See, I love the teleportation rig that comes with the Mantis cruiser, and I had two very different weapon layouts and I wanted to try them both in the final fight. I made copies of my save files and simply reloaded when I failed to beat the Rebel Flagship the first time (beat it handily the second time with the different weapon layout). As penance, I have committed to beating it again with the Mantis cruiser on Normal.Report

  7. Maribou says:

    I’m sitting at home playing with Newest Cat* and recuperating from my week (not to mention getting up early AGAIN today, this time for a doctor’s appointment). Working 2-10 pm. hoping to do very little this weekend since the next two will be intense. (Jaybird’s going to Doha! BOO. My sister’s coming to visit! YAY.)


    * Newest Cat apparently missed the memo about how 12 year old cats behave. We were just playing the hand-under-the-blanket game** for like 10 minutes. Then she was playing the imaginary-hand-under-the-blanket game for a few minutes. Then she raced back and forth and all over the basement. Now she is back playing the imaginary-hand-under-the-blanket game. Now she is running around. Now she is meowing at me for typing instead of playing. 😀

    ** Newest Cat’s version of hand-under-the-blanket differs from the standard in that it involves far more digging, pulling up and tossing aside of blanket layers, and 3 foot leaps onto the hand from a sneaky pouncing position elsewhere…Report

  8. SaulDegraw says:

    It has been hot in the Bay Area and my friends in NY are talking about fall clothes. I am jealous of them. I would live in 7 months of October if I could.Report

  9. Miss Mary says:

    I’ve got girl’s night Saturday for an end of summer BBQ! I’ve been crazy busy, so even though I’m working ten hour shifts all weekend, I think I’ll spend the rest of my time alone. I will heal myself mentally while I pack for the big move in a few weeks. Can I wake up tomorrow and have it all done for me? 🙂Report

  10. Michael Cain says:

    Most of the TV that I watch, I watch in a little window on my Mac while doing other things in parallel. Last weekend my video tuner/frame grabber died — well, maybe it was more like manslaughter, since I was moving some things and set a table down on it. Direct replacements for it are pricey, so I ordered a refurbished Slingbox 350 to try. That arrived yesterday and there are experiments going on. The Mac player is a bit of disappointment for this day and age; OTOH, I can connect to the box from my Android tablet and carry that around the house in my back pocket.

    I don’t think this is the final answer, but I’m not sure what kind of device to try next.Report