

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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8 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    Yes I understand. I was unhappy with my performance in Skyrim until I had no quests left (except the repeating ones). And then I wanted to play again because doing one quest (fighting for the Stormcloaks for freedom of worship) forecloses other quests (but what does it look like when the Imperials win?) and I wanted to do it ALL.Report

    • Kim in reply to Burt Likko says:

      Skyrim and all I’ve never been a completionist for. Some other games, sure… but not those.
      (Nor Suikoden II and the Japanese contingent of “how many things can you collect”).Report

  2. DavidTC says:

    Don’t worry, no spoilers here:

    Actually, the sorta cool thing about Arkham Knight is that the game finishes…before the game finishes. It’s a nice design. You solve the main question, stopping the Arkham Knight and Scarecrow, and now you’ve won the game, you can go do the New Game Plus. You have ‘won’, in the same sense you won previous games.

    But there’s *another* problem that happens during the end of that which is a pretty big spoiler so I won’t say it, but before you can do anything about *that*, you have to wrap up every single remaining quest. Although I had managed to beat every single quest except the Riddler by then, because that’s just how I play games.(1)

    And *then* you can do the last remaining thing and the game *really* ends, with one last cutscene and the credits.

    Although, don’t worry, if you choose ‘continue’ off the menu after that point you get sent back in time to right before you did literally the last action in the game (Or, to put it another way, there is no save point after that.) and can keep playing, so you can even keep going to try to get all the achievements and whatnot. And then go do the last thing again, I think, if you want to see the final cutscene and credits?

    1) In fact, I think you *can’t* wrap up Riddler before that point, because after you beat areas he goes back and puts trophies in there(2), so you can’t collect them all before that. Also, there’s a touching conversation with Selena that would be rather different if you had managed to finish Riddler earlier. I’m wondering a little how this works on New Game Plus, where previously-found trophies are still found. (Although you’d still have to save Selena, but that can wrap up earlier.)

    2) Which makes a hell of a lot more sense than previous games, where the Riddler somehow knew where you were going to have to go and put trophies there in advance! In AK, he’s supposedly spying on you and sending robots out *behind* you. This is still *slightly* weird, because he’s put trophies in places he *really* shouldn’t know about or be able to get into, like the Studio and other spoiler places, but still better than previous games, where he somehow knew the plot well in advance of things that actually happened to direct the plot!Report

    • Kim in reply to DavidTC says:

      Cookie Monster likes cookies.
      (How’s the three dimensionality?)Report

    • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC says:

      Well, I’m running into my first bugs.

      I am being told about missions that I shouldn’t be told about yet. Missions on an island that the car can’t get to. Now, I’m confident that the bridge will be coming down soon… but, in the meantime, I’m irritated to be berated by various people that I should be doing X when X ain’t yet possible.Report

      • Kim in reply to Jaybird says:

        *sniff* at least the game you’re playing isn’t “find the memory leak”Report

      • Brandon Berg in reply to Jaybird says:

        I’m irritated to be berated by various people that I should be doing X when X ain’t yet possible.

        It’s amazing how realistic these new video games are.Report

      • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird says:

        I am being told about missions that I shouldn’t be told about yet. Missions on an island that the car can’t get to. Now, I’m confident that the bridge will be coming down soon… but, in the meantime, I’m irritated to be berated by various people that I should be doing X when X ain’t yet possible.

        That’s not a bug, that’s just the Riddler being an idiot.

        He will berate you the *entire game*…once you do the Catwoman stuff, he’ll start berating you for not finding all the trophies…in between announcing to the entire city that Batman is an idiot. It’s so stupid that you can overhear one of the thugs wishing for a power outage so people would get off the damn screens. (What sort of zoning board allows people to put up giant video billboards with *speakers*?)

        Riddler doesn’t actually care if you can or can’t do something, or if you’re trying to save everyone in the city from dying. He’s the most important guy ever, he’s your archnemisis, start jumping through his hoops, dammit!

        Or, in reality, just completely ignore him, absolutely none of that is time sensitive.

        Incidentally, it sounds like you play like me, trying to do all the side missions first. Here is information that I wished someone would tell me: As far as I can tell, at absolutely no point do side missions become unavailable, or do you fail them if you haven’t finished them by. Even stuff that might seem reasonable, like the checkpoints and militia stuff going away after defeating AK and Scarecrow, does not happen.

        There are certain events you can’t do side missions *during*, like the obvious example of driving people around, but those end.Report