Marvel Superheroes!
Below is a video of Captain America in live movies throughout the years. It’s an interesting stand-in for the evolution of comic book movies more generally. I saw the ’94 movie when it came out. It’s almost the perfect encapsulation of the pre-Marvel movie revolution. Very by-the-numbers, not an ounce of inspiration.
I actually have a VHS movie from Turkey with “Captain America” in it, called 3 Adam Dev. Captain America teams up with a luchadore Mexican icon to take on a particularly evil Spiderman. Pieces of it here:
Here’s a mashup of 70’s Marvel heroes in a (non-existent) Avengers movie:
Lastly, if you have a couple hours to kill, here’s a full fan film for Spiderman. I haven’t watched it all the way through, but for what it is, the video quality is not terrible. (I usually have difficulty with amateur movies in large part because of worse film quality than this.) If it weren’t so long, I’d probably give it a shot and I’d still watch this before Id watch the FF movie below).
And if you have about 90 minutes to kill and do not value your time even slightly, here is a never-to-be-released Fantastic Four movie from 1994 created for no other reason than to retain copyrights:
There’s some duplication in the post. I suspect Mike Schilling of playing a meta prank due to the topic.Report
Although now that I notice the excerpt (“A cinematic history of…cinema”), maybe Will is the one playing the prank? WE’RE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS HERE PEOPLEReport
Paul Lynde as Loki might one of the most inspired jokes I have ever seen!
Also the Hawkeye joke was pretty funny.Report
I was disappointed when I saw that neither Alan Alda nor Donald Sutherland was playing Hawkeye in The Avengers.Report
Have you ever read the novel?
Both Donald Sutherland and Alan Alda were probably too old for the role when they played it. The Doctors and Nurses in MASH are largely supposed to be in their late 20s and early 30s and were plucked out of their residencies.
I also heard that the author of the novel hated the movie because it was too counter-culture and the author was a rock-ribbed Republican.Report
I haven’t. I love the movie, though, so the author can suck it.
I love the first 4 seasons of the show, too (as someone who suffered from insomnia pretty much from 19-35 or so, but only had cable for maybe a year or two during that period, I’ve seen every episode of MASH at least twice, probably more).Report
The first two MASH novels (MASH and MASH Goes to Maine) are quite funny. After that, MASH Goes to XXX became a ghostwritten franchise.Report
Maybe I’ll check them out.
Now I will say this about the TV show: Alda and the other actors who were on the show aged more than 10 years during a 3 year war, which is pretty odd. I suppose war will do that to you, though.Report
I don’t get it. Please explain?Report