Feasibility, Normalization, Carbon Footprint, and Buyer Beware

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11 Responses

  1. North says:

    Charming post. Best of luck with your ‘kat. I’ve heard they can boot along like a bat out of hell when the conditions are nice.Report

    • David Ryan in reply to North says:

      Multi-hulls can be blazingly fast. But what’s interesting about Wharrams designs is that they give up a measure of ultimate speed for greater safety and reduced construction cost and material complexity. Where a typical ocean-crossing monohull in the 40 foot range would do an average of 100 miles/day and 150 on it’s best day, the Tiki 38 will probably do more like 150/day, and 200 on her best day, but she’ll do it with far greater safety and comfort and at far less cost than a racing multi that might do 300 or 400 miles/day.

      This is a nice video of a Tiki 38 built in New Jersey returning to the builder’s home in France by way of the Azores, Portugal, and France:


      • North in reply to David Ryan says:

        Well yes, I can’t imagine you and your customers clinging to some rickety racing ‘kat with nothing but fiberglass and some aluminum attached to all that sail.
        I love the video, look at that wake! I miss sailing. Minnesota is wonderful but there’re some things one just cannot do on a lake, not even if you have ten thousand of them. Le sigh.Report

  2. Patrick Cahalan says:

    This was a fascinating read. Drop by and do another guest post any time.Report

  3. Sam M says:

    I have a college buddy who designs yachts now. I asked him about sustainable design once and he said, “The only green yacht is a yacht you don’t build. It would be better for the environment to make do with a used one. But don’t tell anybody.”Report

    • David Ryan in reply to Sam M says:

      Of course. Reduce, reuse, recycle; and building anew is none of these.

      But against the spec of being USCG Inspected Vessels rated for 30 passengers, Wharram’s design meets the spec with remarkable economy of effort, both in construction, and running cost. On S/V INTEMPERANCE we took passengers out at an average of 1.28 oz of fuel per passenger. On Mon Tiki we expect to reduce this even further.Report