Daily Archive: October 20, 2010

A Lonely Consciousness, and False

Rufus writes, commenting on Ned Resnikoff’s generational self-indictment below: What I find more interesting though is that both the left and right are expressing deep misgivings about that atomistic individualism. The right, of course, has...

Let us match wits on a sphere of bloggo

If you wander over to Memeorandum with some regularity, you will likely have noticed a sort of ideological segregation in terms of the manner by which bloggers choose to link to one particular story over...

A Communist Thesis

I recently watched Goodbye Lenin, which is not very good movie, but I was surprised and pleased by its moderatedly positive portrayal of life in the DDR. Without playing down the unpleasant reality of political...

All’s Fair in Love and Burke

I’ve seen this video linked elsewhere in a condescending let’s-laugh-at-young-conservatives sort of way. And, admittedly, it’s cringeworthy. But damned if it isn’t far more compelling than most discussions of Burke and tradition and how...

Norberg on Vargas Llosa and the Nobel

The Swedish Left is beyond parody. Llosa’s best line: “For reasons that elude me, anyone defending freedom of expression, free elections and political pluralism in Latin America is known as a[n authoritarian] right-winger among...

Whose Fault is Generation Me?

Hey all, I’m Ned Resnikoff. Along with Barrett Brown, I’m part of the latest batch of dewy-eyed greenhorns to start contributing regularly to this blog. A little bit about me: I’m a recent NYU...