Tagged: Tech
Tech Career Nostalgia
At the end of my 25-year technology career late in 2002, I walked away with copies of a variety of software and data I had produced
Tech Tuesday: Auto Code
Tech Tuesday’ normally about exciting new things that work. Today’s is about an exciting situation where new things likely to fail: code.
Tech Tuesday – Shrimp on the Barbie Edition
Productive weekend. Fixed two doors, tore up some Davidiums and replaced them with Lilacs, cleaned the car, etc. PS: Why must interior door frames and hinge screws be so cheap? Both doors had the screws stripping out of the jambs. Had to take them off and pack the holes with epoxy so the screws would have something to bite into. I’m starting to think jambs should be constructed with T-nuts and use machine screws.
Tech Tuesday 06/18/19 – “Is Plastic-Man Biodegradable?” Edition
Why does it always take longer to unpack than to pack it all up?
Tech Tuesday 06/11/19 – Back in WA Edition
It is so good to be back in WA, where the sun does not assault your skin! TT01 – We should do this with every major bridge. Not just the installation of sensors, but...
Tech Tuesday 04/22/19 – “It’s warm enough to swim in my pool!” Edition
Yes, I am feeling snarky today, why do you ask?
Tech Tuesday 04/15/19 – “Taxes In The US Are So Stupid” Edition
I love it when we cause materials and chemicals to behave in ways that violate those general understandings of how physics works.
Tech Tuesday 04/09/19 – Back To The Grind Edition.
The family is back home, just the 3 of us again. I love the cousins, but it’s nice to have the house to ourselves again.
Tech Tuesday 04/02/19 – “I Live In A Madhouse This Week” Edition
Got family in town all week, with their two boys that Bug loves, and the new (adopted) teenage daughter (that he’s warming up to).
Don’t Fear the Robots
Impressive as the tech is, it is important to remember that the Boston Dynamics videos are trailers for a movie that isn’t yet made.
Tech Tuesday 3/19/19 – Sorry It’s Late Edition
Back then, the computers just did not have the memory or CPU cycles to do Computational Fluid Dynamics justice. Today, however…
Tech Tuesday 3/5/19 – ‘I Have a Cold, And It Sucks’ Edition
Yes, I have a cold, it sucks, so be glad I knocked out this much. Excuse me while I use my neti pot and worship my new god, Sudafed.
Tech Tuesday 11/15/18 “Lucy, The Sky Is Diamonds” Edition
Oscar Gordon’s Tech Tuesday, featuring links to stories about aircraft, outer space, cars, fake news, cows giving birth, and plenty more at Ordinary Times.
Tech Tuesday for 11/20
Tech Tuesday from our friend Oscar Gordon, bringing Ordinary Times all the latest in science, technology, innovation, and design.
Tech Tuesday for 10/30, In Which Clyde Tombaugh Boldly Goes
Oscar Gordon’s Tech Tuesday, Ordinary Times’ weekly look at science, technology, and links to all thing innovative.
Tech Tuesday for 10/16 Swimming Bullets and Mortal Coil
Oscar Gordon’s Tech Tuesday, Ordinary Times’ weekly look at science, technology, and all thing innovative, plus remembering Paul Allen.